LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ballet/pack - fd_compute_budget_program.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 76 80 95.0 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 9 18 50.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #ifndef HEADER_fd_src_ballet_pack_fd_compute_budget_program_h
       2             : #define HEADER_fd_src_ballet_pack_fd_compute_budget_program_h
       3             : #include "../fd_ballet_base.h"
       4             : #include "../txn/fd_txn.h"
       5             : 
       6             : /* This header contains utility functions for parsing compute budget
       7             :    program instructions from a transaction. I.e. given a transaction,
       8             :    what is its compute budget limit (in compute units) and what is the
       9             :    additional reward for including it?  Unfortunately, due to the way
      10             :    compute budget program instructions are included in transactions,
      11             :    this is a per-transaction stateful process.
      12             : 
      13             :    This code is designed for high-performance use and so only error
      14             :    checks data coming from the transaction. */
      15             : 
      16             : 
      17             : /* In general, compute budget instructions can occur at most once in a
      18             :    transaction.  If an instruction is duplicated, the transaction is
      19             :    malformed and fails.  These flags are used to keep track of what
      20             :    instructions have been seen so far.  Have I seen a ... */
      21    14958789 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_CU             ((ushort)0x01) /* ... SetComputeUnitLimit ... */
      22     1386228 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_FEE            ((ushort)0x02) /* ... SetComputeUnitPrice ... */
      23          21 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_HEAP           ((ushort)0x04) /* ... RequestHeapFrame ... */
      24          18 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_LOADED_DATA_SZ ((ushort)0x08) /* ... LoadedAccountDataSize ... */
      25             :                                                                             /* ... so far? */
      26             : 
      27             : 
      29             :    CHANGED WITHOUT COORDINATING WITH ANZA. */
      30             : 
      31             : /* base58 decode of ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111 */
      32             : static const uchar FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_ID[FD_TXN_ACCT_ADDR_SZ] = {
      33             :   0x03,0x06,0x46,0x6f,0xe5,0x21,0x17,0x32,0xff,0xec,0xad,0xba,0x72,0xc3,0x9b,0xe7,
      34             :   0xbc,0x8c,0xe5,0xbb,0xc5,0xf7,0x12,0x6b,0x2c,0x43,0x9b,0x3a,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00
      35             : };
      36             : 
      37             : /* Any requests for larger heap frames must be a multiple of 1k or the
      38             :    transaction is malformed. */
      39          21 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_HEAP_FRAME_GRANULARITY          (1024UL)
      40             : /* SetComputeUnitPrice specifies the price in "micro-lamports," which is
      41             :    10^(-6) lamports, so 10^(-15) SOL. */
      42    95123091 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT     (1000000UL)
      43             : 
      44    39347922 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_DEFAULT_INSTR_CU_LIMIT         ( 200000UL)
      45    28547802 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MAX_CU_LIMIT                   (1400000UL)
      46             : 
      47             : /* Max loaded data size is 64 MiB */
      48          18 : #define FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MAX_LOADED_DATA_SZ    (64UL*1024UL*1024UL)
      49             : 
      50             : /* ---- End consensus-critical constants */
      51             : 
      52             : 
      53             : struct fd_compute_budget_program_private_state {
      54             :   /* flags: Which instructions have been parsed so far in this transaction? See
      55             :      above for their meaning. */
      56             :   ushort  flags;
      57             :   /* compute_budge_instr_cnt: How many compute budget instructions have been
      58             :      parsed so far? compute_budget_instr_cnt in [0, 4]. */
      59             :   ushort  compute_budget_instr_cnt;
      60             :   /* compute_units: if SET_CU is in flags, this stores the total requested
      61             :      compute units for the whole transaction. Otherwise 0. Realistically should
      62             :      be less than 12M, but there's nothing enforcing that at this stage. */
      63             :   uint    compute_units;
      64             :   /* loaded_acct_data_sz: if SET_LOADED_DATA_SZ is in flags, this stores
      65             :      the max total data (in bytes) that the transaction will load from
      66             :      the accounts it references.  Otherwise, 0. */
      67             :   uint    loaded_acct_data_sz;
      68             :   /* heap_size: if SET_HEAP is in flags, this stores the size in bytes of the
      69             :      BPF heap used for executing this transaction. Otherwise, 0. Must be a
      70             :      multiple of 1024. */
      71             :   uint    heap_size;
      72             :   /* micro_lamports_per_cu: if SET_FEE is in flags, this stores the
      73             :      requested prioritization fee in micro-lamports per compute unit.
      74             :      Otherwise, 0. */
      75             :   ulong   micro_lamports_per_cu;
      76             : };
      77             : typedef struct fd_compute_budget_program_private_state fd_compute_budget_program_state_t;
      78             : 
      79             : /* fd_compute_budge_program_init: initializes an
      80             :    fd_compute_budget_program_state_t to prepare it for parsing a transaction.
      81             :    Also equivalent to just initializing the state on the stack with = {0}. */
      82    13626186 : static inline void fd_compute_budget_program_init( fd_compute_budget_program_state_t * state ) {
      83    13626186 :   *state = (fd_compute_budget_program_state_t) {0};
      84    13626186 : }
      85             : /* fd_compute_budget_program_parse: Parses a single ComputeBudgetProgram
      86             :    instruction.  Updates the state stored in state.  Returns 0 if the
      87             :    instruction was invalid, which means the transaction should fail.
      88             :    instr_data points to the first byte of the instruction data from the
      89             :    transaction.  data_sz specifies the length of the instruction data, so
      90             :    instr_data[ i ] for i in [0, data_sz) gives the instruction data. */
      91             : static inline int
      92             : fd_compute_budget_program_parse( uchar const * instr_data,
      93             :                                  ulong         data_sz,
      94     2772528 :                                  fd_compute_budget_program_state_t * state ) {
      95     2772528 :   if( FD_UNLIKELY( data_sz<5 ) ) return 0;
      96     2772528 :   switch( *instr_data ) {
      97          18 :     case 0:
      98             :       /* Formerly RequestUnitsDeprecated, but invalid since
      99             :          EfhYd3SafzGT472tYQDUc4dPd2xdEfKs5fwkowUgVt4W. */
     100          18 :       return 0;
     101          21 :     case 1:
     102             :       /* Parse a RequestHeapFrame instruction */
     103          21 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( data_sz<5 ) ) return 0;
     104          21 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( (state->flags & FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_HEAP)!=0 ) ) return 0;
     105          21 :       state->heap_size = FD_LOAD( uint, instr_data+1 );
     106          21 :       if( (state->heap_size%FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_HEAP_FRAME_GRANULARITY) ) return 0;
     107          21 :       state->flags |= FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_HEAP;
     108          21 :       state->compute_budget_instr_cnt++;
     109          21 :       return 1;
     110     1386234 :     case 2:
     111             :       /* Parse a SetComputeUnitLimit instruction */
     112     1386234 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( data_sz<5 ) ) return 0;
     113     1386234 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( (state->flags & FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_CU)!=0 ) ) return 0;
     114     1386231 :       state->compute_units = FD_LOAD( uint, instr_data+1 );
     115     1386231 :       state->compute_units = fd_uint_min( state->compute_units, FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MAX_CU_LIMIT );
     116     1386231 :       state->flags |= FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_CU;
     117     1386231 :       state->compute_budget_instr_cnt++;
     118     1386231 :       return 1;
     119     1386231 :     case 3:
     120             :       /* Parse a SetComputeUnitPrice instruction */
     121     1386231 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( data_sz<9 ) ) return 0;
     122     1386231 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( (state->flags & FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_FEE)!=0 ) ) return 0;
     123     1386228 :       state->micro_lamports_per_cu = FD_LOAD( ulong, instr_data+1 );
     124     1386228 :       state->flags |= FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_FEE;
     125     1386228 :       state->compute_budget_instr_cnt++;
     126     1386228 :       return 1;
     127          21 :     case 4:
     128             :       /* Parse a SetLoadedAccountsDataSizeLimit instruction */
     129          21 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( data_sz<5 ) ) return 0;
     130          21 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( (state->flags & FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_LOADED_DATA_SZ)!=0 ) ) return 0;
     131          18 :       state->loaded_acct_data_sz = FD_LOAD( uint, instr_data+1 );
     132          18 :       if( FD_UNLIKELY( state->loaded_acct_data_sz==0U ) ) return 0;
     133          18 :       state->loaded_acct_data_sz = fd_uint_min( state->loaded_acct_data_sz, FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MAX_LOADED_DATA_SZ );
     134          18 :       state->flags |= FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_LOADED_DATA_SZ;
     135          18 :       state->compute_budget_instr_cnt++;
     136          18 :       return 1;
     137           3 :     default:
     138           3 :       return 0;
     139     2772528 :   }
     140     2772528 : }
     141             : 
     142             : /* fd_compute_budget_program_finalize: digests the state that resulted from
     143             :    processing all of the ComputeBudgetProgram instructions in a transaction to
     144             :    compute the total priority rewards for the transaction.  state must point to
     145             :    a previously initialized fd_compute_budget_program_state_t.  instr_cnt is the
     146             :    total number of instructions in the transaction, including
     147             :    ComputeBudgetProgram instructions.  out_rewards and out_compute must be
     148             :    non-null.  The total priority rewards for the transaction (i.e. not counting
     149             :    the per-signature fee) is stored in out_rewards.  The maximum number of
     150             :    compute units this transaction can consume is stored in out_compute.  If the
     151             :    transaction execution has not completed by this limit, it is terminated and
     152             :    considered failed. */
     153             : static inline void
     154             : fd_compute_budget_program_finalize( fd_compute_budget_program_state_t const * state,
     155             :                                     ulong                                     instr_cnt,
     156             :                                     ulong *                                   out_rewards,
     157    13589013 :                                     uint *                                    out_compute ) {
     158    13589013 :   ulong cu_limit = 0UL;
     159    13589013 :   if( FD_LIKELY( (state->flags & FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_FLAG_SET_CU)==0U ) ) {
     160             :     /* Use default compute limit */
     161    12202806 :     cu_limit = (instr_cnt - state->compute_budget_instr_cnt) * FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_DEFAULT_INSTR_CU_LIMIT;
     162    12202806 :   } else cu_limit = state->compute_units;
     163             : 
     164    13589013 :   cu_limit = fd_ulong_min( cu_limit, FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MAX_CU_LIMIT );
     165             : 
     166    13589013 :   *out_compute = (uint)cu_limit;
     167             : 
     168    13589013 :   ulong total_fee = 0UL;
     169             : 
     170             :   /* We need to compute max(ceil((cu_limit * micro_lamports_per_cu)/10^6),
     171             :      ULONG_MAX).  Unfortunately, the product can overflow.  Solana solves
     172             :      this by doing the arithmetic with ultra-wide integers, but that puts a
     173             :      128-bit division on the critical path.  Gross.  It's frustrating because
     174             :      the overflow case likely results in a transaction that's so expensive
     175             :      nobody can afford it anyways, but we should not break compatibility with
     176             :      Solana over this.  Instead we'll do the arithmetic carefully:
     177             :      Let cu_limit = c_h*10^6 + c_l, where 0 <= c_l < 10^6.
     178             :      Similarly, let micro_lamports_per_cu = p_h*10^6 + p_l, where
     179             :      0 <= p_l < 10^6.  Since cu_limit < 2^32, c_h < 2^13;
     180             :      micro_lamports_per_cu < 2^64, so p_h<2^45.
     181             : 
     182             :      ceil( (cu_limit * micro_lamports_per_cu)/10^6)
     183             :      = ceil( ((c_h*10^6+c_l)*(p_h*10^6+p_l))/10^6 )
     184             :      = c_h*p_h*10^6 + c_h*p_l + c_l*p_h + ceil( (c_l*p_l)/10^6 )
     185             :      c_h*p_h < 2^58, so we can compute it with normal multiplication.
     186             :      If c_h*p_h > floor(ULONG_MAX/10^6), then we know c_h*p_h*10^6 will hit
     187             :      the saturation point.  The "cross" terms are less than 2^64 by
     188             :      construction (since we divided by 10^6 and then multiply by something
     189             :      strictly less than 10^6).  c_l*p_l < 10^12 < 2^40, so that's safe as
     190             :      well.
     191             :      In fact, the sum of the right three terms is no larger than:
     192             :      floor((2^32-1)/10^6)*(10^6-1) + (10^6-1)*floor((2^64-1)/10^6) + 10^6-1
     193             :      == 0xffffef3a08574e4c < 2^64, so we can do the additions without
     194             :      worrying about overflow.
     195             :      Of course, we still need to check the final addition of the first term
     196             :      with the remaining terms.  As a bonus, all of the divisions can now be
     197             :      done via "magic multiplication."
     198             : 
     199             :      Note that this computation was done before I was aware of the
     200             :      1.4M CU limit.  Taking that limit into account could make the
     201             :      code a little cleaner, but we'll just keep the version that
     202             :      supports CU limits up to UINT_MAX, since I'm sure the limit will
     203             :      go up someday. */
     204    13589013 :   do {
     205    13589013 :     ulong c_h  =                     cu_limit / FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT;
     206    13589013 :     ulong c_l  =                     cu_limit % FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT;
     207    13589013 :     ulong p_h  = state->micro_lamports_per_cu / FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT;
     208    13589013 :     ulong p_l  = state->micro_lamports_per_cu % FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT;
     209             : 
     210    13589013 :     ulong hh = c_h * p_h;
     212           0 :       total_fee = ULONG_MAX;
     213           0 :       break;
     214           0 :     }
     215    13589013 :     hh *= FD_COMPUTE_BUDGET_MICRO_LAMPORTS_PER_LAMPORT;
     216             : 
     217    13589013 :     ulong hl = c_h*p_l + c_l*p_h;
     219    13589013 :     ulong right_three_terms = hl + ll;
     220             : 
     221    13589013 :     total_fee = hh + right_three_terms;
     222    13589013 :     if( FD_UNLIKELY( total_fee<hh ) ) total_fee = ULONG_MAX;
     223    13589013 :   } while( 0 );
     224           0 :   *out_rewards = total_fee;
     225    13589013 : }
     226             : 
     227             : #endif /* HEADER_fd_src_ballet_pack_fd_compute_budget_program_h */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14