LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ballet/sha512 - fd_sha512_batch_avx512.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 185 185 100.0 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #define FD_SHA512_BATCH_IMPL 2
       2             : 
       3             : #include "fd_sha512.h"
       4             : #include "../../util/simd/fd_avx512.h"
       5             : 
       6             : FD_STATIC_ASSERT( FD_SHA512_BATCH_MAX==8UL, compat );
       7             : 
       8             : void
       9             : fd_sha512_private_batch_avx( ulong          batch_cnt,
      10             :                              void const *   batch_data,
      11             :                              ulong const *  batch_sz,
      12             :                              void * const * batch_hash );
      13             : 
      14             : void
      15             : fd_sha512_private_batch_avx512( ulong          batch_cnt,
      16             :                                 void const *   _batch_data,
      17             :                                 ulong const *  batch_sz,
      18     1137255 :                                 void * const * _batch_hash ) {
      19             : 
      20     1137255 :   if( FD_UNLIKELY( batch_cnt<5UL ) ) {
      21      303679 :     fd_sha512_private_batch_avx( batch_cnt, _batch_data, batch_sz, _batch_hash );
      22      303679 :     return;
      23      303679 :   }
      24             : 
      25             :   /* SHA appends to the end of each message 17 bytes of additional data
      26             :      (a messaging terminator byte and the big endian uint128 with the
      27             :      message size in bits) and enough zero padding to make the message
      28             :      an integer number of blocks long.  We compute the 1 or 2 tail
      29             :      blocks of each message here.  We then process complete blocks of
      30             :      the original messages in place, switching to processing these tail
      31             :      blocks in the same pass toward the end.  TODO: This code could
      32             :      probably be SIMD optimized slightly more (this is where all the
      33             :      really performance suboptimally designed parts of SHA live so it is
      34             :      just inherently gross).  The main optimization would probably be to
      35             :      allow tail reading to use a faster memcpy and then maybe some
      36             :      vectorization of the bswap. */
      37             : 
      38      833576 :   ulong const * batch_data = (ulong const *)_batch_data;
      39             : 
      40      833576 :   ulong batch_tail_data[ FD_SHA512_BATCH_MAX ] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
      41      833576 :   ulong batch_tail_rem [ FD_SHA512_BATCH_MAX ] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
      42             : 
      43      833576 :   uchar scratch[ FD_SHA512_BATCH_MAX*2UL*FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_BUF_MAX ] __attribute__((aligned(128)));
      44      833576 :   do {
      45      833576 :     ulong scratch_free = (ulong)scratch;
      46             : 
      47      833576 :     wwv_t zero = wwv_zero();
      48             : 
      49     7046678 :     for( ulong batch_idx=0UL; batch_idx<batch_cnt; batch_idx++ ) {
      50             : 
      51             :       /* Allocate the tail blocks for this message */
      52             : 
      53     6213102 :       ulong data = batch_data[ batch_idx ];
      54     6213102 :       ulong sz   = batch_sz  [ batch_idx ];
      55             : 
      56     6213102 :       ulong tail_data     = scratch_free;
      57     6213102 :       ulong tail_data_sz  = sz & (FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_BUF_MAX-1UL);
      58     6213102 :       ulong tail_data_off = fd_ulong_align_dn( sz,                FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_BUF_MAX );
      59     6213102 :       ulong tail_sz       = fd_ulong_align_up( tail_data_sz+17UL, FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_BUF_MAX );
      60             : 
      61     6213102 :       batch_tail_data[ batch_idx ] = tail_data;
      62     6213102 :       batch_tail_rem [ batch_idx ] = tail_sz >> FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_LG_BUF_MAX;
      63             : 
      64     6213102 :       scratch_free += tail_sz;
      65             : 
      66             :       /* Populate the tail blocks.  We first clear the blocks (note that
      67             :          it is okay to clobber bytes 128:255 if tail_sz only 128, saving
      68             :          a nasty branch).  Then we copy any straggler data bytes into
      69             :          the tail, terminate the message, and finally record the size of
      70             :          the message in bits at the end as a big endian ulong.  */
      71             : 
      72     6213102 :       wwv_st( (ulong *) tail_data,        zero );
      73     6213102 :       wwv_st( (ulong *)(tail_data+ 64UL), zero );
      74     6213102 :       wwv_st( (ulong *)(tail_data+128UL), zero );
      75     6213102 :       wwv_st( (ulong *)(tail_data+192UL), zero );
      76             : 
      77     6213102 : #     if 1 /* See notes in fd_sha256_batch_avx.c for more details here */
      78     6213102 :       ulong src = data + tail_data_off;
      79     6213102 :       ulong dst = tail_data;
      80     6213102 :       ulong rem = tail_data_sz;
      81     9269790 :       while( rem>=64UL ) { wwv_st( (ulong *)dst, wwv_ldu( (ulong const *)src ) ); dst += 64UL; src += 64UL; rem -= 64UL; }
      82    11614765 :       while( rem>= 8UL ) { *(ulong  *)dst = FD_LOAD( ulong,  src );               dst +=  8UL; src +=  8UL; rem -=  8UL; }
      83     6213102 :       if   ( rem>= 4UL ) { *(uint   *)dst = FD_LOAD( uint,   src );               dst +=  4UL; src +=  4UL; rem -=  4UL; }
      84     6213102 :       if   ( rem>= 2UL ) { *(ushort *)dst = FD_LOAD( ushort, src );               dst +=  2UL; src +=  2UL; rem -=  2UL; }
      85     6213102 :       if   ( rem       ) { *(uchar  *)dst = FD_LOAD( uchar,  src );               dst++;                                 }
      86     6213102 :       *(uchar *)dst = (uchar)0x80;
      87             : #     else
      88             :       fd_memcpy( (void *)tail_data, (void const *)(data + tail_data_off), tail_data_sz );
      89             :       *((uchar *)(tail_data+tail_data_sz)) = (uchar)0x80;
      90             : #     endif
      91             : 
      92     6213102 :       *((ulong *)(tail_data+tail_sz-16UL )) = fd_ulong_bswap( sz>>61 );
      93     6213102 :       *((ulong *)(tail_data+tail_sz- 8UL )) = fd_ulong_bswap( sz<< 3 );
      94     6213102 :     }
      95      833576 :   } while(0);
      96             : 
      97      833576 :   wwv_t s0 = wwv_bcast( 0x6a09e667f3bcc908UL );
      98      833576 :   wwv_t s1 = wwv_bcast( 0xbb67ae8584caa73bUL );
      99      833576 :   wwv_t s2 = wwv_bcast( 0x3c6ef372fe94f82bUL );
     100      833576 :   wwv_t s3 = wwv_bcast( 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1UL );
     101      833576 :   wwv_t s4 = wwv_bcast( 0x510e527fade682d1UL );
     102      833576 :   wwv_t s5 = wwv_bcast( 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1fUL );
     103      833576 :   wwv_t s6 = wwv_bcast( 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6bUL );
     104      833576 :   wwv_t s7 = wwv_bcast( 0x5be0cd19137e2179UL );
     105             : 
     106      833576 :   wwv_t zero       = wwv_zero();
     107      833576 :   wwv_t one        = wwv_one();
     108      833576 :   wwv_t wwv_128    = wwv_bcast( FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_BUF_MAX );
     109      833576 :   wwv_t W_sentinel = wwv_bcast( (ulong)scratch );
     110             : 
     111      833576 :   wwv_t tail       = wwv_ld( batch_tail_data );
     112      833576 :   wwv_t tail_rem   = wwv_ld( batch_tail_rem  );
     113      833576 :   wwv_t W          = wwv_ld( batch_data      );
     114      833576 :   wwv_t block_rem  = wwv_if( (1<<batch_cnt)-1,
     115      833576 :                              wwv_add( wwv_shr( wwv_ld( batch_sz ), FD_SHA512_PRIVATE_LG_BUF_MAX ), tail_rem ), zero );
     116     5896745 :   for(;;) {
     117     5896745 :     int active_lane = wwv_ne( block_rem, zero );
     118     5896745 :     if( FD_UNLIKELY( !active_lane ) ) break;
     119             : 
     120             :     /* Switch lanes that have hit the end of their in-place bulk
     121             :        processing to their out-of-place scratch tail regions as
     122             :        necessary. */
     123             : 
     124     5063169 :     W = wwv_if( wwv_eq( block_rem, tail_rem ), tail, W );
     125             : 
     126             :     /* At this point, we have at least 1 block in this message segment
     127             :        pass that has not been processed.  Load the next 128 bytes of
     128             :        each unprocessed block.  Inactive lanes (e.g. message segments
     129             :        in this pass for which we've already processed all the blocks)
     130             :        will load garbage from a sentinel location (and the result of
     131             :        the state computations for the inactive lane will be ignored). */
     132             : 
     133     5063169 :     ulong _W0; ulong _W1; ulong _W2; ulong _W3; ulong _W4; ulong _W5; ulong _W6; ulong _W7;
     134     5063169 :     wwv_unpack( wwv_if( active_lane, W, W_sentinel ), _W0,_W1,_W2,_W3,_W4,_W5,_W6,_W7 );
     135     5063169 :     uchar const * W0 = (uchar const *)_W0; uchar const * W1 = (uchar const *)_W1;
     136     5063169 :     uchar const * W2 = (uchar const *)_W2; uchar const * W3 = (uchar const *)_W3;
     137     5063169 :     uchar const * W4 = (uchar const *)_W4; uchar const * W5 = (uchar const *)_W5;
     138     5063169 :     uchar const * W6 = (uchar const *)_W6; uchar const * W7 = (uchar const *)_W7;
     139             : 
     140     5063169 :     wwv_t x0; wwv_t x1; wwv_t x2; wwv_t x3; wwv_t x4; wwv_t x5; wwv_t x6; wwv_t x7;
     141     5063169 :     wwv_transpose_8x8( wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W0   ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W1   ) ),
     142     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W2   ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W3   ) ),
     143     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W4   ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W5   ) ),
     144     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W6   ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W7   ) ), x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7 );
     145             : 
     146     5063169 :     wwv_t x8; wwv_t x9; wwv_t xa; wwv_t xb; wwv_t xc; wwv_t xd; wwv_t xe; wwv_t xf;
     147     5063169 :     wwv_transpose_8x8( wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W0+64 ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W1+64 ) ),
     148     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W2+64 ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W3+64 ) ),
     149     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W4+64 ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W5+64 ) ),
     150     5063169 :                        wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W6+64 ) ), wwv_bswap( wwv_ldu( W7+64 ) ), x8, x9, xa, xb, xc, xd, xe, xf );
     151             : 
     152             :     /* Compute the SHA-512 state updates */
     153             : 
     154     5063169 :     wwv_t a = s0; wwv_t b = s1; wwv_t c = s2; wwv_t d = s3; wwv_t e = s4; wwv_t f = s5; wwv_t g = s6; wwv_t h = s7;
     155             : 
     156     5063169 :     static ulong const K[80] = { /* FIXME: Reuse with other functions */
     157     5063169 :       0x428a2f98d728ae22UL, 0x7137449123ef65cdUL, 0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2fUL, 0xe9b5dba58189dbbcUL,
     158     5063169 :       0x3956c25bf348b538UL, 0x59f111f1b605d019UL, 0x923f82a4af194f9bUL, 0xab1c5ed5da6d8118UL,
     159     5063169 :       0xd807aa98a3030242UL, 0x12835b0145706fbeUL, 0x243185be4ee4b28cUL, 0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2UL,
     160     5063169 :       0x72be5d74f27b896fUL, 0x80deb1fe3b1696b1UL, 0x9bdc06a725c71235UL, 0xc19bf174cf692694UL,
     161     5063169 :       0xe49b69c19ef14ad2UL, 0xefbe4786384f25e3UL, 0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5UL, 0x240ca1cc77ac9c65UL,
     162     5063169 :       0x2de92c6f592b0275UL, 0x4a7484aa6ea6e483UL, 0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4UL, 0x76f988da831153b5UL,
     163     5063169 :       0x983e5152ee66dfabUL, 0xa831c66d2db43210UL, 0xb00327c898fb213fUL, 0xbf597fc7beef0ee4UL,
     164     5063169 :       0xc6e00bf33da88fc2UL, 0xd5a79147930aa725UL, 0x06ca6351e003826fUL, 0x142929670a0e6e70UL,
     165     5063169 :       0x27b70a8546d22ffcUL, 0x2e1b21385c26c926UL, 0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aedUL, 0x53380d139d95b3dfUL,
     166     5063169 :       0x650a73548baf63deUL, 0x766a0abb3c77b2a8UL, 0x81c2c92e47edaee6UL, 0x92722c851482353bUL,
     167     5063169 :       0xa2bfe8a14cf10364UL, 0xa81a664bbc423001UL, 0xc24b8b70d0f89791UL, 0xc76c51a30654be30UL,
     168     5063169 :       0xd192e819d6ef5218UL, 0xd69906245565a910UL, 0xf40e35855771202aUL, 0x106aa07032bbd1b8UL,
     169     5063169 :       0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8UL, 0x1e376c085141ab53UL, 0x2748774cdf8eeb99UL, 0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8UL,
     170     5063169 :       0x391c0cb3c5c95a63UL, 0x4ed8aa4ae3418acbUL, 0x5b9cca4f7763e373UL, 0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3UL,
     171     5063169 :       0x748f82ee5defb2fcUL, 0x78a5636f43172f60UL, 0x84c87814a1f0ab72UL, 0x8cc702081a6439ecUL,
     172     5063169 :       0x90befffa23631e28UL, 0xa4506cebde82bde9UL, 0xbef9a3f7b2c67915UL, 0xc67178f2e372532bUL,
     173     5063169 :       0xca273eceea26619cUL, 0xd186b8c721c0c207UL, 0xeada7dd6cde0eb1eUL, 0xf57d4f7fee6ed178UL,
     174     5063169 :       0x06f067aa72176fbaUL, 0x0a637dc5a2c898a6UL, 0x113f9804bef90daeUL, 0x1b710b35131c471bUL,
     175     5063169 :       0x28db77f523047d84UL, 0x32caab7b40c72493UL, 0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebcUL, 0x431d67c49c100d4cUL,
     176     5063169 :       0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6UL, 0x597f299cfc657e2aUL, 0x5fcb6fab3ad6faecUL, 0x6c44198c4a475817UL
     177     5063169 :     };
     178             : 
     179     5063169 : #   define Sigma0(x)  wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,28), wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,34), wwv_ror(x,39) ) )
     180     5063169 : #   define Sigma1(x)  wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,14), wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,18), wwv_ror(x,41) ) )
     181     5063169 : #   define sigma0(x)  wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x, 1), wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x, 8), wwv_shr(x, 7) ) )
     182     5063169 : #   define sigma1(x)  wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,19), wwv_xor( wwv_ror(x,61), wwv_shr(x, 6) ) )
     183     5063169 : #   define Ch(x,y,z)  wwv_xor( wwv_and(x,y), wwv_andnot(x,z) )
     184     5063169 : #   define Maj(x,y,z) wwv_xor( wwv_and(x,y), wwv_xor( wwv_and(x,z), wwv_and(y,z) ) )
     185     5063169 : #   define SHA_CORE(xi,ki)                                                           \
     186   405053520 :     T1 = wwv_add( wwv_add(xi,ki), wwv_add( wwv_add( h, Sigma1(e) ), Ch(e, f, g) ) ); \
     187   405053520 :     T2 = wwv_add( Sigma0(a), Maj(a, b, c) );                                         \
     188   405053520 :     h = g;                                                                           \
     189   405053520 :     g = f;                                                                           \
     190   405053520 :     f = e;                                                                           \
     191   405053520 :     e = wwv_add( d, T1 );                                                            \
     192   405053520 :     d = c;                                                                           \
     193   405053520 :     c = b;                                                                           \
     194   405053520 :     b = a;                                                                           \
     195   405053520 :     a = wwv_add( T1, T2 )
     196             : 
     197     5063169 :     wwv_t T1;
     198     5063169 :     wwv_t T2;
     199             : 
     200     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x0, wwv_bcast( K[ 0] ) );
     201     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x1, wwv_bcast( K[ 1] ) );
     202     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x2, wwv_bcast( K[ 2] ) );
     203     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x3, wwv_bcast( K[ 3] ) );
     204     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x4, wwv_bcast( K[ 4] ) );
     205     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x5, wwv_bcast( K[ 5] ) );
     206     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x6, wwv_bcast( K[ 6] ) );
     207     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x7, wwv_bcast( K[ 7] ) );
     208     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x8, wwv_bcast( K[ 8] ) );
     209     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( x9, wwv_bcast( K[ 9] ) );
     210     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xa, wwv_bcast( K[10] ) );
     211     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xb, wwv_bcast( K[11] ) );
     212     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xc, wwv_bcast( K[12] ) );
     213     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xd, wwv_bcast( K[13] ) );
     214     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xe, wwv_bcast( K[14] ) );
     215     5063169 :     SHA_CORE( xf, wwv_bcast( K[15] ) );
     216    25315845 :     for( ulong i=16UL; i<80UL; i+=16UL ) {
     217    20252676 :       x0 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x0, sigma0(x1) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xe), x9 ) ); SHA_CORE( x0, wwv_bcast( K[i     ] ) );
     218    20252676 :       x1 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x1, sigma0(x2) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xf), xa ) ); SHA_CORE( x1, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 1UL] ) );
     219    20252676 :       x2 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x2, sigma0(x3) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x0), xb ) ); SHA_CORE( x2, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 2UL] ) );
     220    20252676 :       x3 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x3, sigma0(x4) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x1), xc ) ); SHA_CORE( x3, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 3UL] ) );
     221    20252676 :       x4 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x4, sigma0(x5) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x2), xd ) ); SHA_CORE( x4, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 4UL] ) );
     222    20252676 :       x5 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x5, sigma0(x6) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x3), xe ) ); SHA_CORE( x5, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 5UL] ) );
     223    20252676 :       x6 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x6, sigma0(x7) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x4), xf ) ); SHA_CORE( x6, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 6UL] ) );
     224    20252676 :       x7 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x7, sigma0(x8) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x5), x0 ) ); SHA_CORE( x7, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 7UL] ) );
     225    20252676 :       x8 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x8, sigma0(x9) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x6), x1 ) ); SHA_CORE( x8, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 8UL] ) );
     226    20252676 :       x9 = wwv_add( wwv_add( x9, sigma0(xa) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x7), x2 ) ); SHA_CORE( x9, wwv_bcast( K[i+ 9UL] ) );
     227    20252676 :       xa = wwv_add( wwv_add( xa, sigma0(xb) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x8), x3 ) ); SHA_CORE( xa, wwv_bcast( K[i+10UL] ) );
     228    20252676 :       xb = wwv_add( wwv_add( xb, sigma0(xc) ), wwv_add( sigma1(x9), x4 ) ); SHA_CORE( xb, wwv_bcast( K[i+11UL] ) );
     229    20252676 :       xc = wwv_add( wwv_add( xc, sigma0(xd) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xa), x5 ) ); SHA_CORE( xc, wwv_bcast( K[i+12UL] ) );
     230    20252676 :       xd = wwv_add( wwv_add( xd, sigma0(xe) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xb), x6 ) ); SHA_CORE( xd, wwv_bcast( K[i+13UL] ) );
     231    20252676 :       xe = wwv_add( wwv_add( xe, sigma0(xf) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xc), x7 ) ); SHA_CORE( xe, wwv_bcast( K[i+14UL] ) );
     232    20252676 :       xf = wwv_add( wwv_add( xf, sigma0(x0) ), wwv_add( sigma1(xd), x8 ) ); SHA_CORE( xf, wwv_bcast( K[i+15UL] ) );
     233    20252676 :     }
     234             : 
     235             :     /* Apply the state updates to the active lanes */
     236             : 
     237     5063169 :     s0 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s0, a, s0 );
     238     5063169 :     s1 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s1, b, s1 );
     239     5063169 :     s2 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s2, c, s2 );
     240     5063169 :     s3 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s3, d, s3 );
     241     5063169 :     s4 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s4, e, s4 );
     242     5063169 :     s5 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s5, f, s5 );
     243     5063169 :     s6 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s6, g, s6 );
     244     5063169 :     s7 = wwv_add_if( active_lane, s7, h, s7 );
     245             : 
     246             :     /* Advance to the next message segment blocks.  In pseudo code,
     247             :        the below is:
     248             : 
     249             :          W += 128; if( block_rem ) block_rem--;
     250             : 
     251             :        Since we do not load anything at W(lane) above unless
     252             :        block_rem(lane) is non-zero, we can omit vector conditional
     253             :        operations for W(lane) below. */
     254             : 
     255     5063169 :     W = wwv_add( W, wwv_128 );
     256     5063169 :     block_rem = wwv_sub_if( active_lane, block_rem, one, block_rem );
     257             : 
     258     5063169 : #   undef SHA_CORE
     259     5063169 : #   undef Sigma0
     260     5063169 : #   undef Sigma1
     261     5063169 : #   undef sigma0
     262     5063169 : #   undef sigma1
     263     5063169 : #   undef Ch
     264     5063169 : #   undef Maj
     265             : 
     266     5063169 :   }
     267             : 
     268      833576 :   wwv_transpose_8x8( s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7, s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7 );
     269             : 
     270      833576 :   ulong * const * batch_hash = (ulong * const *)_batch_hash;
     271      833576 :   switch( batch_cnt ) { /* application dependent prob */
     272      605937 :   case 8UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[7], wwv_bswap( s7 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     273      681753 :   case 7UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[6], wwv_bswap( s6 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     274      757532 :   case 6UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[5], wwv_bswap( s5 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     275      833576 :   case 5UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[4], wwv_bswap( s4 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     276      833576 :   case 4UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[3], wwv_bswap( s3 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     277      833576 :   case 3UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[2], wwv_bswap( s2 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     278      833576 :   case 2UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[1], wwv_bswap( s1 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     279      833576 :   case 1UL: wwv_stu( batch_hash[0], wwv_bswap( s0 ) ); __attribute__((fallthrough));
     280      833576 :   default: break;
     281      833576 :   }
     282      833576 : }

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