LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - disco/shred - fd_fec_resolver.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 5 6 83.3 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #ifndef HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_fec_resolver_h
       2             : #define HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_fec_resolver_h
       3             : #include "../../ballet/shred/fd_fec_set.h"
       4             : 
       5             : /* This header defines several methods for building and validating FEC
       6             :    sets from received shreds.  It's designed just for use by the shred
       7             :    tile, which is why it's in disco/shred.
       8             : 
       9             :    The primary complication in the interface comes from lifetimes.
      10             :    Buffers returned by the networking layer are typically ephemeral and
      11             :    we need to hold onto the data until we've finished the FEC set, so we
      12             :    need at least one memcpy.  Once we complete the FEC set, the result
      13             :    needs to go out on an mcache/dcache pair and on the network, which
      14             :    also have different lifetime requirements.  The FEC resolver goes out
      15             :    of its way to use memory in a way that doesn't require a second
      16             :    memcpy once the FEC set is complete.  To that end, the FEC resolver
      17             :    makes two promises:
      18             :    1. Once memory has been used for a specific FEC set, it will not be
      19             :       reused for a different FEC set until at least partial_depth other
      20             :       distinct FEC sets have been returned in the out_fec_set field of
      21             :       fd_fec_resolver_add_shred.
      22             :    2. Once a FEC set is complete (specified with COMPLETES), the
      23             :       associated memory will not be reused for a different FEC set until
      24             :       at least complete_depth other distinct FEC sets have been returned
      25             :       from calls to fd_fec_resolver_add_shred that return
      26             :       SHRED_COMPLETES.
      27             : 
      28             :    This is implemented using a freelist with an insertion point in the
      29             :    middle (which can also be seen as two chained freelists):
      30             :                  ------------------------
      31             :                  |   In progress FEC    |--------- if completed -
      32             :                  |    sets (<=depth)    |                       |
      33             :                  |                      |--- if spilled ----    |
      34             :                  ------------------------                  |    |
      35             :                        ^                                   |    |
      36             :                        |                                   V    |
      37             :                    --------                                |    |
      38             :                    |      |   -                            |    V
      39             :                    | Free |    \                           |    |
      40             :                    |      |     >=partial_depth            |    |
      41             :                    | FEC  |     /                          |    |
      42             :                    | sets |    |                           |    |
      43             :                    |      |   _                            |    |
      44             :                    --------                                V    |
      45             :                       ^  ^                                 |    |
      46             :                       |  |------<---------------<----------|    |
      47             :                       |                                         |
      48             :                    --------                                     |
      49             :                    |      | -                                   |
      50             :                    | Comp |  \                                  |
      51             :                    |leted |   complete_depth                    |
      52             :                    |      |  /                                  V
      53             :                    | FEC  |  |                                  |
      54             :                    | sets |  |                                  |
      55             :                    |      |  -                                  |
      56             :                    --------                                     |
      57             :                       ^                                         |
      58             :                       |-------------------<----------------------
      59             : 
      60             :    When a shred arrives for a new FEC set, we pull an entry from the
      61             :    head of the free FEC set queue.  If that would result in more than
      62             :    depth sets in progress, we spill the oldest in progress set, and
      63             :    insert it at the tail of the free set queue.  When we complete a set,
      64             :    we remove it from the in progress set, add it to the tail of the
      65             :    completed FEC set queue, and move one element from the head of the
      66             :    completed queue to the tail of the free queue.
      67             : 
      68             :    Since the completed queue only advances when an FEC set is completed,
      69             :    any complete FEC set stays in that queue for at least complete_depth
      70             :    completions.
      71             : 
      72             :    It might seems like this system is overkill and one combined longer
      73             :    freelist would suffice, but that's incorrect. Consider the following
      74             :    scenario: Suppose we've just completed FEC set A, so we return it
      75             :    with COMPLETES and then we put it at the end of the free list.  Now
      76             :    we receive a shred for a new FEC set, so we take memory from the head
      77             :    of the free list.  That happens many times, but we never receive
      78             :    enough shreds for any FEC set to complete one.  Eventually, we churn
      79             :    through the whole singular freelist with spilling until the memory we
      80             :    used for A gets to the head of the freelist.  Finally we receive
      81             :    enough shreds to complete the FEC set, so we return A with COMPLETES.
      82             :    Thus, from the perspective of a consumer that only cares about
      83             :    completed FEC sets, we've returned the same piece of memory twice in
      84             :    a row. */
      85             : 
      86             : /* Forward declare opaque handle.  It has a lot of types we don't
      87             :    necessarily want to bring into the includer */
      88           6 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_ALIGN (128UL)
      89             : struct fd_fec_resolver;
      90             : typedef struct fd_fec_resolver fd_fec_resolver_t;
      91             : 
      92             : /* fd_fec_resolver_sign_fn: used to sign shreds that require a
      93             :    retransmitter signature. */
      94             : typedef void (fd_fec_resolver_sign_fn)( void * ctx, uchar * sig, uchar const * merkle_root );
      95             : 
      96             : FD_PROTOTYPES_BEGIN
      97             : /* fd_fec_resolver_footprint returns the required footprint (in bytes as
      98             :    always) required to create an FEC set resolver that can keep track of
      99             :    `depth` in progress FEC sets, will not reuse FEC sets for at least
     100             :    partial_depth shreds or for at least complete_depth complete FEC sets
     101             :    (see above for more information).  Additionally, the FEC resolver
     102             :    remembers done_depth FEC sets to recognize duplicates vs. new FEC
     103             :    sets.  All depths must positive.
     104             : 
     105             :    fd_fec_resolver_alignment returns the required alignment of a region
     106             :    of memory for it to be used as a FEC resolver. */
     107             : ulong fd_fec_resolver_footprint( ulong depth, ulong partial_depth, ulong complete_depth, ulong done_depth );
     108             : ulong fd_fec_resolver_align    ( void );
     109             : 
     110             : /* fd_fec_resolver_new formats a region of memory as a FEC resolver.
     111             :    shmem must have the required alignment and footprint.  signer is a
     112             :    function pointer used to sign any shreds that require a retransmitter
     113             :    signature, and sign_ctx is an opaque pointer passed as the first
     114             :    argument to the function.  It is okay to pass NULL for signer, in
     115             :    which case, retransmission signatures will just be zeroed and
     116             :    sign_ctx will be ignored. depth, partial_depth, complete_depth, and
     117             :    done_depth are as defined above and must be positive.  sets is a
     118             :    pointer to the first of depth+partial_depth+complete_depth FEC sets
     119             :    that this resolver will take ownership of.  The FEC resolver retains
     120             :    a write interest in these FEC sets and the shreds they point to until
     121             :    the resolver is deleted.  These FEC sets and the memory for the
     122             :    shreds they point to are the only values that will be returned in the
     123             :    output parameters of _add_shred.  The FEC resolver will reject any
     124             :    shreds with a shred version that does not match the value provided
     125             :    for expected_shred_version.  Shred versions are always non-zero, so
     126             :    expected_shred_version must be non-zero.  The FEC resolver will also
     127             :    reject any shred that seems to be part of a block containing more
     128             :    than max_shred_idx data or parity shreds.  Since shred_idx is a uint,
     129             :    it doesn't really make sense to have max_shred_idx > UINT_MAX, and
     130             :    max_shred_idx==0 rejects all shreds.  Returns shmem on success and
     131             :    NULL on failure (logs details). */
     132             : void *
     133             : fd_fec_resolver_new( void                    * shmem,
     134             :                      fd_fec_resolver_sign_fn * signer,
     135             :                      void                    * sign_ctx,
     136             :                      ulong                     depth,
     137             :                      ulong                     partial_depth,
     138             :                      ulong                     complete_depth,
     139             :                      ulong                     done_depth,
     140             :                      fd_fec_set_t            * sets,
     141             :                      ushort                    expected_shred_version,
     142             :                      ulong                     max_shred_idx );
     143             : 
     144             : fd_fec_resolver_t * fd_fec_resolver_join( void * shmem );
     145             : 
     146          27 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_SHRED_REJECTED  (-2)
     147        1104 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_SHRED_IGNORED   (-1)
     148        2832 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_SHRED_OKAY      ( 0)
     149          90 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_SHRED_COMPLETES ( 1)
     150             : 
     151             : /* Return values + RETVAL_OFF are in [0, RETVAL_CNT) */
     152             : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_ADD_SHRED_RETVAL_CNT 4
     153           0 : #define FD_FEC_RESOLVER_ADD_SHRED_RETVAL_OFF 2
     154             : 
     155             : 
     156             : 
     157             : /* fd_fec_resolver_add_shred notifies the FEC resolver of a newly
     158             :    received shred.  The FEC resolver validates the shred and copies it
     159             :    into its own storage.  resolver is a local join of an FEC resolver.
     160             :    shred is a pointer to the new shred that should be added.  shred_sz
     161             :    is the size of the shred in bytes.
     162             : 
     163             :    On success (SHRED_OKAY or SHRED_COMPLETES), a pointer to the
     164             :    fd_fec_set_t structure representing the FEC set of which the shred is
     165             :    a part will be written to out_fec_set.  Additionally, on success a
     166             :    pointer to a copy of shred will be written to the location pointed to
     167             :    by out_shred.  See the long explanation above about the lifetimes of
     168             :    these pointers.
     169             : 
     170             :    If the shred fails validation for any reason, SHRED_REJECTED will be
     171             :    returned and nothing will be written to out_fec_set or out_shred.
     172             :    If the shred is a duplicate of a shred that has already been
     173             :    received, SHRED_IGNORED will be returned, and nothing will be written
     174             :    to out_fec_set or out_shred.  Note that only light validation is
     175             :    performed on a duplicate shred, so a shred that is actually invalid
     176             :    but looks like a duplicate of a previously received valid shred may
     177             :    be considered SHRED_IGNORED instead of SHRED_REJECTED.
     178             : 
     179             :    This function returns SHRED_COMPLETES when the received shred is the
     180             :    last one and completes the FEC set.  In this case, the function
     181             :    populates any missing shreds in the FEC set stored in out_fec_set. */
     182             : int fd_fec_resolver_add_shred( fd_fec_resolver_t    * resolver,
     183             :                                fd_shred_t   const   *  shred,
     184             :                                ulong                  shred_sz,
     185             :                                uchar        const   * leader_pubkey,
     186             :                                fd_fec_set_t const * * out_fec_set,
     187             :                                fd_shred_t   const * * out_shred );
     188             : 
     189             : void * fd_fec_resolver_leave( fd_fec_resolver_t * resolver );
     190             : void * fd_fec_resolver_delete( void * shmem );
     191             : 
     192             : FD_PROTOTYPES_END
     193             : #endif /* HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_fec_resolver_h */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14