LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - disco/shred - fd_shred_dest.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 9 9 100.0 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 10 55 18.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #ifndef HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shred_dest_h
       2             : #define HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shred_dest_h
       3             : 
       4             : #include "../../ballet/shred/fd_shred.h"
       5             : #include "../../ballet/sha256/fd_sha256.h"
       6             : #include "../../ballet/wsample/fd_wsample.h"
       7             : #include "../../flamenco/leaders/fd_leaders.h"
       8             : 
       9             : /* This header defines a collection of methods for using stake weights
      10             :    to compute the destination of a specific shred for the leader and
      11             :    non-leader.  This is where the Turbine tree logic is implemented. */
      12             : 
      13             : /* For a given FEC, we might need to produce 200 destinations for each
      14             :    of 134 shreds, which is a lot of destinations!  Full destination
      15             :    information (ip, port, mac) is 12 B. A pointer is 8 B, but an index
      16             :    can be as small as 2 B, since currently Turbine doesn't work with
      17             :    more than fanout^2 nodes which is less than USHORT_MAX.  Thus, we go
      18             :    with the index, which can cheaply be mapped to the full information
      19             :    using fd_shred_dest_idx_to_dest below. */
      20             : typedef ushort fd_shred_dest_idx_t;
      21             : 
      22             : 
      23             : #define FD_SHRED_DEST_MAX_SHRED_CNT (134UL) /* DATA_SHREDS_MAX+PARITY_SHREDS_MAX */
      24   777738828 : #define FD_SHRED_DEST_NO_DEST       (USHORT_MAX)
      25             : 
      26             : /* fd_shred_dest_weighted_t specifies a destination to which a shred might be
      27             :    sent.  The information comes from Gossip typically. */
      28             : struct fd_shred_dest_weighted {
      29             :   fd_pubkey_t  pubkey;   /* The validator's identity key */
      30             :   ulong  stake_lamports; /* Stake, measured in lamports, or 0 for an unstaked validator */
      31             :   uint   ip4;            /* The validator's IP address, in host byte order */
      32             :   ushort port;           /* The TVU port, in host byte order */
      33             :   uchar  mac_addr[6]; /* The mac address that should be used as the
      34             :                          destination field in the ethernet header.  This is
      35             :                          typically the gateway mac address, not the validator's
      36             :                          mac address (which is neither easy nor helpful to
      37             :                          know). */
      38             : };
      39             : typedef struct fd_shred_dest_weighted fd_shred_dest_weighted_t;
      40             : 
      41             : /* Internal type, forward declared to be able to declare the struct
      42             :    here. */
      43             : struct pubkey_to_idx;
      44             : typedef struct pubkey_to_idx pubkey_to_idx_t;
      45             : 
      46     1179957 : #define FD_SHRED_DEST_ALIGN (128UL)
      47             : FD_STATIC_ASSERT( FD_SHRED_DEST_ALIGN>=FD_SHA256_BATCH_ALIGN, fd_shred_dest_private_align );
      48             : 
      49             : struct __attribute__((aligned(FD_SHRED_DEST_ALIGN))) fd_shred_dest_private {
      50             :   uchar      _sha256_batch[ FD_SHA256_BATCH_FOOTPRINT ]  __attribute__((aligned(FD_SHA256_BATCH_ALIGN)));
      51             :   fd_chacha20rng_t rng[1];
      52             : 
      53             :   /* null_dest is initialized to all zeros.  Returned when the destination
      54             :      doesn't exist (e.g. you've asked for the 5th destination, but you only
      55             :      need to send to 4 recipients. */
      56             :   fd_shred_dest_weighted_t null_dest[1];
      57             : 
      58             :   fd_epoch_leaders_t const * lsched;
      59             : 
      60             :   ulong cnt;
      61             :   fd_shred_dest_weighted_t * all_destinations; /* a local copy, points to memory after the struct */
      62             : 
      63             :   fd_wsample_t * staked;
      64             :   struct {
      65             :     /* These two variables are maintained by the unstaked sampling functions. */
      66             :     ulong * unstaked;
      67             :     ulong   unstaked_unremoved_cnt;
      68             :   };
      69             :   ulong staked_cnt;
      70             :   ulong unstaked_cnt;
      71             : 
      72             :   ulong excluded_stake;
      73             : 
      74             :   pubkey_to_idx_t * pubkey_to_idx_map; /* maps pubkey -> [0, staked_cnt+unstaked_cnt) */
      75             : 
      76             :   ulong source_validator_orig_idx; /* in [0, staked_cnt+unstaked_cnt) */
      77             :   /* Struct followed by:
      78             :      * pubkey_to_idx map
      79             :      * all_destinations
      80             :      * staked
      81             :      * unstaked
      82             :    */
      83             : };
      84             : typedef struct fd_shred_dest_private fd_shred_dest_t;
      85             : 
      86             : 
      87             : /* fd_shred_dest_{align, footprint} return the alignment and footprint
      88             :    (respectively) required of a region of memory to format it as an
      89             :    fd_shred_dest_t object.  staked_cnt is the number of destinations
      90             :    with positive stake while unstaked_cnt is the number of destinations
      91             :    with zero stake that this object can store. */
      92     1179957 : static inline ulong fd_shred_dest_align    ( void      ) { return FD_SHRED_DEST_ALIGN; }
      93             : /*         */ ulong fd_shred_dest_footprint( ulong staked_cnt, ulong unstaked_cnt );
      94             : 
      95             : /* fd_shred_dest_new formats a region of memory for use as an
      96             :    fd_shred_dest_t object. mem points to the first byte of a region of
      97             :    memory with the required footprint and alignment.  info points to the
      98             :    first of cnt destinations that the fd_shred_dest_t will be aware of.
      99             :    info must be sorted in the typical Solana stake weighted way: largest
     100             :    stake to smallest stake, with ties broken by pubkey (again, largest
     101             :    to smallest lexicographically).  info must not omit staked validators
     102             :    just because they do not have contact info; rather, those should be
     103             :    represented with ip set to 0.  info may include unstaked validators,
     104             :    which, given the sort order, will be at the end of the list.  If the
     105             :    number of staked validators exceeds the caller's maximum list
     106             :    capacity, the list can be truncated, with excluded_stake set to the
     107             :    sum of the excluded staked validators.  In that case, info should not
     108             :    contain any unstaked validators.
     109             : 
     110             :    Each fd_shred_dest_t object is tied to a specific epoch, and so the
     111             :    stake weights are constant within the epoch.  The information in info
     112             :    will be copied, and no read interest in info will be retained.
     113             :    lsched points to a local join of an fd_epoch_leaders_t object with
     114             :    the leader information for the slots when the shreds for which this
     115             :    shred dest object computes destinations were produced.  This function
     116             :    retains a read interest in lsched that persists until the memory is
     117             :    unformatted.  `source` points to the public key of the identity key
     118             :    of the current validator, i.e. the one who sends out the shreds
     119             :    computed by this object.  info must contain contact info for
     120             :    `source,` although it will never be returned as a destination.
     121             : 
     122             :    Returns mem on success and NULL on errors.  Logs a warning with
     123             :    details on errors. */
     124             : void *
     125             : fd_shred_dest_new( void                           * mem,
     126             :                    fd_shred_dest_weighted_t const * info, /* Accessed [0, cnt) */
     127             :                    ulong                            cnt,
     128             :                    fd_epoch_leaders_t       const * lsched,
     129             :                    fd_pubkey_t              const * source,
     130             :                    ulong                            excluded_stake );
     131             : 
     132             : /* fd_shred_dest_join joins the caller to a region of memory formatted
     133             :    as an fd_shred_dest_t. fd_shred_dest_leave does the opposite.
     134             :    fd_shred_dest_delete unformats a region of memory. */
     135             : fd_shred_dest_t * fd_shred_dest_join( void * mem );
     136             : void * fd_shred_dest_leave( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest );
     137             : void * fd_shred_dest_delete( void * mem );
     138             : 
     139             : /* fd_shred_dest_cnt_{staked, unstaked, all} returns the number of known
     140             :    destination that are staked, unstaked, or either, respectively.  The
     141             :    staked destinations have index [0, fd_shred_dest_cnt_staked()) and
     142             :    the unstaked destinations have index [fd_shred_dest_cnt_staked(),
     143             :    fd_shred_dest_cnt_all() ).  fd_shred_dest_cnt_all() ==
     144             :    fd_shred_dest_cnt_staked() + fd_shred_dest_cnt_unstaked(). */
     145         321 : static inline ulong fd_shred_dest_cnt_staked  ( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest ) { return sdest->staked_cnt                      ; }
     146         216 : static inline ulong fd_shred_dest_cnt_unstaked( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest ) { return                     sdest->unstaked_cnt; }
     147          84 : static inline ulong fd_shred_dest_cnt_all     ( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest ) { return sdest->staked_cnt + sdest->unstaked_cnt; }
     148             : 
     149             : /* fd_shred_dest_compute_first computes the root of the Turbine tree for
     150             :    each of the provided shreds.  All the provided shreds must come from
     151             :    the same slot (and thus have the same leader).  This should only be
     152             :    called for shreds from a slot in which the source validator provided
     153             :    in _new is the leader (determined using the leader schedule provided
     154             :    in _new).  shred_cnt specifies the number of shreds for which
     155             :    destinations should be computes.  input_shreds is accessed
     156             :    input_shreds[i] for i in [0, shred_cnt).  shred_cnt must be in [0,
     157             :    67].  The destination index for input_shreds[i] is stored at out[i].
     158             :    input_shreds==NULL is fine if shred_cnt==0, in which case this
     159             :    function is a no-op.  Returns out on success and NULL on failure.
     160             :    This function uses the sha256 batch API internally for performance,
     161             :    which is why it operates on several shreds at the same time as
     162             :    opposed to one at a time. */
     163             : fd_shred_dest_idx_t *
     164             : fd_shred_dest_compute_first( fd_shred_dest_t          * sdest,
     165             :                              fd_shred_t const * const * input_shreds,
     166             :                              ulong                      shred_cnt,
     167             :                              fd_shred_dest_idx_t      * out );
     168             : 
     169             : /* fd_shred_dest_compute_children computes the source validator's
     170             :    children in the Turbine tree for each of the provided shreds.
     171             :    Although Solana has the concept of "neighborhoods" in Turbine, we
     172             :    treat it as a standard high-radix tree, and a child is any validator
     173             :    to which the source validator should send the shred directly.
     174             :    All provided shreds must be from the same slot, and that leader for
     175             :    that slot must be known by the leader schedule.  As in
     176             :    fd_shred_dest_compute_first, shred_cnt specifies the number of
     177             :    shreds, input_shreds is accessed input_shreds[i] for i in [0,
     178             :    shred_cnt), and 0<=shred_cnt<=67.  Computes the first dest_cnt
     179             :    destinations for each shred, using a tree with fanout `fanout`.
     180             :    Exactly dest_cnt destination indices will be written for each shreds,
     181             :    so if that is more than the number of destinations that the source
     182             :    validator needs to send to, it will be padded out with
     183             :    FD_SHRED_DEST_NO_DEST.  The typical case is to pass dest_cnt==fanout.
     184             :    Results are stored in out, but there's some awkwardness associated
     185             :    with something that's logically a 2d array, so out_stride specifies
     186             :    the number of elements in each logical row of the output.
     187             :    Precisely, destination j for shred i is written to out[ j*out_stride
     188             :    + i ]. Graphically:
     189             :    [ shred0 dest0, shred1 dest0, shred2 dest0, ... (skip until stride)
     190             :      shred0 dest1, shred1 dest1, shred2 dest1, ... (skip until 2stride)
     191             :      ...
     192             :      shred0 dest dest_cnt-1, ... ].
     193             :    out_stride must be at least shred_cnt.
     194             :    If opt_max_dest_cnt is non-NULL, the maximum number of real
     195             :    destinations for any of the provided shreds will be stored in
     196             :    opt_max_dest_cnt.  This value is always <= dest_cnt, but in many
     197             :    cases may be much lower (especially if the source validator has low
     198             :    stake).
     199             : 
     200             :    Returns out on success and NULL on failure. */
     201             : /* TODO: Would it be better if out were transposed? Should I get rid of
     202             :    stride? */
     203             : fd_shred_dest_idx_t *
     204             : fd_shred_dest_compute_children( fd_shred_dest_t          * sdest,
     205             :                                 fd_shred_t const * const * input_shreds,
     206             :                                 ulong                      shred_cnt,
     207             :                                 fd_shred_dest_idx_t      * out,
     208             :                                 ulong                      out_stride,
     209             :                                 ulong                      fanout,
     210             :                                 ulong                      dest_cnt,
     211             :                                 ulong                    * opt_max_dest_cnt );
     212             : 
     213             : /* fd_shred_dest_idx_to_dest maps a destination index (as produced by
     214             :    fd_shred_dest_compute_children or fd_shred_dest_compute_first) to an
     215             :    actual destination.  The lifetime of the returned pointer is the same
     216             :    as the lifetime of sdest.  idx==FD_SHRED_DEST_NO_DEST is fine, and
     217             :    this will return a pointer to a destination with all fields set to 0.
     218             :    It's safe for the caller to update the IP, port, and mac fields of
     219             :    the returned struct, although the caller must not modify the weight
     220             :    or pubkey fields.  The caller can use this to update contact info for
     221             :    a validator. */
     222             : static inline fd_shred_dest_weighted_t *
     223     6282456 : fd_shred_dest_idx_to_dest( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest, fd_shred_dest_idx_t idx ) {
     224     6282456 :   return fd_ptr_if( idx!=FD_SHRED_DEST_NO_DEST, sdest->all_destinations + idx, sdest->null_dest );
     225     6282456 : }
     226             : 
     227             : /* fd_shred_dest_idx_t maps a pubkey to a destination index, if the
     228             :    pubkey is known as a destination.  If the pubkey is not know, returns
     229             :    FD_SHRED_DEST_NO_DEST. */
     230             : fd_shred_dest_idx_t fd_shred_dest_pubkey_to_idx( fd_shred_dest_t * sdest, fd_pubkey_t const * pubkey );
     231             : 
     232             : #endif /* HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shred_dest_h */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14