LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - disco/shred - fd_shredder.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 25 28 89.3 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 6 105 5.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : #ifndef HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shredder_h
       2             : #define HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shredder_h
       3             : 
       4             : #include "../keyguard/fd_keyguard_client.h"
       5             : #include "../../ballet/sha256/fd_sha256.h"
       6             : #include "../../ballet/pack/fd_microblock.h"
       7             : #include "../../ballet/chacha20/fd_chacha20rng.h"
       8             : #include "../../ballet/wsample/fd_wsample.h"
       9             : #include "../../ballet/ed25519/fd_ed25519.h"
      10             : #include "../../ballet/reedsol/fd_reedsol.h"
      11             : #include "../../ballet/bmtree/fd_bmtree.h"
      12             : #include "../../ballet/shred/fd_fec_set.h"
      13             : 
      14             : #define FD_SHREDDER_MAX_STAKE_WEIGHTS (1UL<<20)
      15             : 
      16             : 
      17             : #define FD_FEC_SET_MAX_BMTREE_DEPTH (9UL) /* ceil(log2(DATA_SHREDS_MAX + PARITY_SHREDS_MAX)) */
      18             : 
      19           0 : #define FD_SHREDDER_ALIGN     (  128UL)
      20             : /* FD_SHREDDER_FOOTPRINT is not provided because it depends on the footprint
      21             :    of fd_sha256_batch_t, which is not invariant (the latter depends on the
      22             :    underlying implementation). Instead, a static inline function is provided. */
      23             : 
      24          39 : #define FD_SHREDDER_MAGIC (0xF17EDA2547EDDE70UL) /* FIREDAN SHREDDER V0 */
      25             : 
      26             : typedef void (fd_shredder_sign_fn)( void * ctx, uchar * sig, uchar const * merkle_root );
      27             : 
      28             : 
      29             : 
      30             : static ulong const fd_shredder_data_to_parity_cnt[ 33UL ] = {
      31             :    0UL, 17UL, 18UL, 19UL, 19UL, 20UL, 21UL, 21UL,
      32             :   22UL, 23UL, 23UL, 24UL, 24UL, 25UL, 25UL, 26UL,
      33             :   26UL, 26UL, 27UL, 27UL, 28UL, 28UL, 29UL, 29UL,
      34             :   29UL, 30UL, 30UL, 31UL, 31UL, 31UL, 32UL, 32UL, 32UL };
      35             : 
      36             : struct __attribute__((aligned(FD_SHREDDER_ALIGN))) fd_shredder_private {
      37             :   ulong  magic;
      38             :   ushort shred_version;
      39             : 
      40             :   fd_sha256_batch_t sha256 [ 1 ];
      41             :   fd_reedsol_t      reedsol[ 1 ];
      42             :   union __attribute__((aligned(FD_BMTREE_COMMIT_ALIGN))) {
      43             :     fd_bmtree_commit_t bmtree;
      44             :     uchar _bmtree_footprint[ FD_BMTREE_COMMIT_FOOTPRINT( FD_FEC_SET_MAX_BMTREE_DEPTH ) ];
      45             :   };
      46             :   fd_bmtree_node_t bmtree_leaves[ FD_REEDSOL_DATA_SHREDS_MAX + FD_REEDSOL_PARITY_SHREDS_MAX ];
      47             : 
      48             :   void const * entry_batch;
      49             :   ulong        sz;
      50             :   ulong        offset;
      51             : 
      52             :   void *                signer_ctx;
      53             :   fd_shredder_sign_fn * signer;
      54             : 
      55             :   fd_entry_batch_meta_t meta;
      56             :   ulong slot;
      57             :   ulong data_idx_offset;
      58             :   ulong parity_idx_offset;
      59             : };
      60             : 
      61             : typedef struct fd_shredder_private fd_shredder_t;
      62             : 
      63           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong fd_shredder_align    ( void ) { return FD_SHREDDER_ALIGN;     }
      64           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong fd_shredder_footprint( void ) { return sizeof(fd_shredder_t); }
      65             : 
      66             : /* fd_shredder_new formats a region of memory as a shredder object.
      67             :    pubkey must point to the first byte of 32 bytes containing the public
      68             :    key of the validator that will sign the shreds this shredder
      69             :    produces.  The value provided for shred_version will be stored in the
      70             :    shred_version field of each shred that this shredder produces. */
      71             : void          * fd_shredder_new(  void * mem, fd_shredder_sign_fn * signer, void * signer_ctx, ushort shred_version );
      72             : fd_shredder_t * fd_shredder_join( void * mem );
      73             : void *          fd_shredder_leave(  fd_shredder_t * shredder );
      74             : void *          fd_shredder_delete( void *          mem      );
      75             : 
      76             : 
      77             : /* fd_shredder_count_{data_shreds, parity_shreds, fec_sets}: returns the
      78             :    number of data shreds, parity shreds, or FEC sets (respectively)
      79             :    required to send an entry batch of size sz_bytes bytes.  For data and
      80             :    parity shred counts, this is the total count across all FEC sets.
      81             : 
      82             :    We use the same policy for shredding that the Agave validator uses,
      83             :    even though it's a bit strange.  If the entry batch size is an exact
      84             :    multiple of the default FEC set total data size of 31840, then we
      85             :    make sz_byte/31840 FEC sets, where each FEC set has 32 data shreds,
      86             :    and each data shred contains 995 bytes of payload.  Otherwise, we
      87             :    make 31840 B FEC sets until we have less than 63680 bytes left, and
      88             :    we make one oddly sized FEC set for the remaining payload.
      89             : 
      90             :    Computing this "oddly sized" FEC set is a bit strange because the
      91             :    number of shreds in the set depends on the amount of payload in each
      92             :    shred, which depends on the depth of the Merkle tree required to
      93             :    store all the shreds in the set, which depends on the number of
      94             :    shreds in the set.  The spec gives the formula:
      95             :    payload_bytes_per_shred = 1115 - 20*ceiling( log2( num_shreds ) )
      96             :    where num_shreds = num_data_shreds + num_parity_shreds, and
      97             :    num_data_shreds = payload_sz_remaining/payload_bytes_per_shred and
      98             :    num_parity_shreds is a non-decreasing function of num_data_shreds.
      99             : 
     100             :    The Agave validator solves this formula by brute force.
     101             :    Instead, we'll do the computation ahead of time to build a nice
     102             :    table:
     103             :            Case               payload_bytes_per_shred
     104             :         1 <= D <=  9135               1015
     105             :      8956 <= D <= 31840                995
     106             :     31201 <= D <= 62400                975
     107             :     61121 <= D <= 63984                955
     108             : 
     109             :    Where D is the remaining payload size in bytes.  You may notice the
     110             :    cases overlap.  That's the gross outcome of using a gross formula.
     111             :    There are two legitimate ways to send certain payload sizes.  We
     112             :    always pick the larger value of payload_bytes_per_shred. */
     113             : 
     114    38311992 : #define FD_SHREDDER_NORMAL_FEC_SET_PAYLOAD_SZ (31840UL)
     115             : 
     116             : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong
     117    12893268 : fd_shredder_count_fec_sets(      ulong sz_bytes ) {
     118             :   /* if sz_bytes < 2*31840, we make 1 FEC set.  If sz_bytes is a
     119             :      multiple of 31840, we make exactly sz_bytes/31840 sets.  Otherwise,
     120             :      we make floor(sz_bytes/31840)-1 normal set + one odd-sized set.
     121             :      These cases can be simplified to make it branchless: */
     122    12893268 :   return fd_ulong_max( sz_bytes, 2UL*FD_SHREDDER_NORMAL_FEC_SET_PAYLOAD_SZ - 1UL ) / FD_SHREDDER_NORMAL_FEC_SET_PAYLOAD_SZ;
     123    12893268 : }
     124             : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong
     125     4781454 : fd_shredder_count_data_shreds(   ulong sz_bytes ) {
     126     4781454 :   ulong normal_sets = fd_shredder_count_fec_sets( sz_bytes ) - 1UL;
     127     4781454 :   ulong remaining_bytes = sz_bytes - normal_sets * FD_SHREDDER_NORMAL_FEC_SET_PAYLOAD_SZ;
     128     4781454 :   ulong shreds = normal_sets * 32UL;
     129     4781454 :   if(      FD_UNLIKELY( remaining_bytes <=  9135UL ) ) shreds += fd_ulong_max( 1UL, (remaining_bytes + 1014UL)/1015UL );
     130     4699236 :   else if( FD_LIKELY(   remaining_bytes <= 31840UL ) ) shreds +=                    (remaining_bytes +  994UL)/ 995UL;
     131     3343833 :   else if( FD_LIKELY(   remaining_bytes <= 62400UL ) ) shreds +=                    (remaining_bytes +  974UL)/ 975UL;
     132      130458 :   else                                                 shreds +=                    (remaining_bytes +  954UL)/ 955UL;
     133     4781454 :   return shreds;
     134     4781454 : }
     135             : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong
     136     4781454 : fd_shredder_count_parity_shreds( ulong sz_bytes ) {
     137     4781454 :   ulong normal_sets = fd_shredder_count_fec_sets( sz_bytes ) - 1UL;
     138     4781454 :   ulong remaining_bytes = sz_bytes - normal_sets * FD_SHREDDER_NORMAL_FEC_SET_PAYLOAD_SZ;
     139     4781454 :   ulong shreds = normal_sets * 32UL;
     140     4781454 :   if(      FD_UNLIKELY( remaining_bytes <=  9135UL ) ) shreds += fd_shredder_data_to_parity_cnt[ fd_ulong_max( 1UL, (remaining_bytes + 1014UL)/1015UL ) ];
     141     4699236 :   else if( FD_LIKELY(   remaining_bytes <= 31840UL ) ) shreds += fd_shredder_data_to_parity_cnt[                    (remaining_bytes +  994UL)/ 995UL   ];
     142     3343833 :   else if( FD_LIKELY(   remaining_bytes <= 62400UL ) ) shreds +=                                                    (remaining_bytes +  974UL)/ 975UL;
     143      130458 :   else                                                 shreds +=                                                    (remaining_bytes +  954UL)/ 955UL;
     144     4781454 :   return shreds;
     145     4781454 : }
     146             : 
     147             : /* fd_shredder_init_batch begins the computation of shreds for an entry
     148             :    batch.  shredder must be a valid local join.  entry_batch points to
     149             :    the first byte of a region of memory entry_batch_sz bytes long.
     150             :    entry_batch_sz must be strictly positive.  The shredder object
     151             :    retains a read interest in the region of memory [entry_batch,
     152             :    entry_batch+entry_batch_sz) that lasts until fd_shredder_fini_batch
     153             :    is called.  This region of memory should not be modified while in use
     154             :    by the shredder.  meta contains the metadata for the batch that is
     155             :    necessary for shred production.  The shredder object does not retain
     156             :    a read interest in the memory pointed to by meta.
     157             : 
     158             :    Returns shredder, which will be in a new batch when the function
     159             :    returns. */
     160             : fd_shredder_t * fd_shredder_init_batch( fd_shredder_t               * shredder,
     161             :                                         void const                  * entry_batch,
     162             :                                         ulong                         entry_batch_sz,
     163             :                                         ulong                         slot,
     164             :                                         fd_entry_batch_meta_t const * meta );
     165             : 
     166             : /* fd_shredder_skip_batch updates the shredder state as necessary
     167             :    to skip processing this current batch.  shredder must be a valid
     168             :    local join.  entry_batch_sz must be strictly positive.
     169             : 
     170             :    Returns shredder, which will have data and parity shred indices
     171             :    updated as if the caller had called fd_shredder_init_batch with
     172             :    a batch of the specified size, followed by fd_shredder_next_fec_set
     173             :    exactly fd_shredder_count_fec_sets( entry_batch_sz ) times. */
     174             : fd_shredder_t * fd_shredder_skip_batch( fd_shredder_t * shredder,
     175             :                                         ulong           entry_batch_sz,
     176             :                                         ulong           slot );
     177             : 
     178             : /* fd_shredder_next_fec_set extracts the next FEC set from the in
     179             :    progress batch.  Computes the entirety of both data and parity
     180             :    shreds, including the parity information, Merkle proofs, and
     181             :    signatures.  Additionally computes the destination index for each
     182             :    shred.  Stores the generated FEC set in result, which is clobbered.
     183             :    Populates all fields of result except for {data,parity}_shred_present
     184             :    (which is only used for reconstruction).
     185             : 
     186             :    shredder must be a valid local join, and signing_private_key must
     187             :    point to the first byte of an Ed25519 private key that will be used
     188             :    to sign the shreds.  It must correspond to the public key passed in
     189             :    the shredder constructor.
     190             : 
     191             :    Returns result on success and NULL if all of the entry batch's data
     192             :    has been consumed already by previous calls to this function.  On
     193             :    success, advances the position of the shredder within the batch
     194             :    without finishing the batch. */
     195             : fd_fec_set_t * fd_shredder_next_fec_set( fd_shredder_t * shredder, fd_fec_set_t * result );
     196             : 
     197             : /* fd_shredder_fini_batch finishes the in process batch.  shredder must
     198             :    be a valid local join that is currently in a batch.  Upon return,
     199             :    shredder will no longer be in a batch and will be ready to begin a
     200             :    new batch with init_batch.  Returns shredder. */
     201             : fd_shredder_t * fd_shredder_fini_batch( fd_shredder_t * shredder );
     202             : 
     203             : #endif /* HEADER_fd_src_disco_shred_fd_shredder_h */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14