Line data Source code
1 : #include "fd_alloc.h"
2 : #include "fd_alloc_cfg.h"
3 : #include "../sanitize/fd_asan.h"
4 : /* Note: this will still compile on platforms without FD_HAS_ATOMIC. It
5 : should only be used single threaded in those use cases. (The code
6 : does imitate at a very low level the operations required by
7 : FD_HAS_ATOMIC but this is to minimize amount of code differences to
8 : test.) */
9 :
10 : /* sizeclass APIs *****************************************************/
11 :
12 : /* fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass returns the tightest fitting sizeclass
13 : for the given footprint. The caller promises there is at least one
14 : possible size class (i.e. that footprint is in
15 : [0,FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT_SMALL_THRESH]. The return will be in
17 :
19 :
20 : static inline ulong
21 131337885 : fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass( ulong footprint ) {
22 131337885 : ulong l = 0UL;
23 131337885 : ulong h = FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT-1UL;
24 :
25 : /* Fixed count loop without early exit to make it easy for compiler to
26 : unroll and nominally eliminate all branches for fast, highly
27 : deterministic performance with no consumption of BTB resources.
28 : Note that 7 assumes 64<=FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT-1<128. FIXME: check
29 : the compiler is doing the right thing here with unrolling and
30 : branch elimination. */
31 :
32 1050703080 : for( ulong r=0UL; r<7UL; r++ ) {
33 :
34 : /* At this point sizeclasses<l are known to be inadequate and
35 : sizeclasses>=h are known to be suitable. Sizeclasses in [l,h)
36 : have not been tested. */
37 :
38 919365195 : ulong m = (l+h)>>1; /* Note: no overflow for reasonable sizeclass_cnt and l<=m<=h */
39 919365195 : int c = (((ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ m ].block_footprint)>=footprint);
40 919365195 : l = fd_ulong_if( c, l, m+1UL ); /* cmov */
41 919365195 : h = fd_ulong_if( c, m, h ); /* cmov */
42 919365195 : }
43 :
44 131337885 : return h;
45 131337885 : }
46 :
47 : /* fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass_cgroup returns preferred sizeclass
48 : concurrency group for a join with the given cgroup_idx. The caller
49 : promises sizeclass is in [0,FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT). */
50 :
51 : static inline ulong
52 : fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass_cgroup( ulong sizeclass,
53 142032987 : ulong cgroup_idx ) {
54 142032987 : return cgroup_idx & (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].cgroup_mask;
55 142032987 : }
56 :
57 : /* fd_alloc_block_set *************************************************/
58 :
59 : /* A fd_alloc_block_set specifies a set of blocks in a superblock. */
60 :
61 : #define SET_NAME fd_alloc_block_set
62 : #define SET_TYPE ulong
63 : #define SET_MAX 64
64 : #include "../tmpl/fd_smallset.c"
65 :
66 : /* fd_alloc_block_set_{add,sub} inserts / removes blocks to / from
67 : block set pointed to by set. The caller promises that blocks are not
68 : / are already in the block set. This operation is a compiler fence.
69 : Further, if FD_HAS_ATOMIC, this operation is done atomically.
70 : Returns the value of the block_set just before the operation. Note:
71 : atomic add/sub has slightly better asm on x86 than atomic or/and/nand
72 : (compiler quality issue, not an architecture issue) and generates the
73 : same results provided the caller promises are met. */
74 :
75 : #if FD_HAS_ATOMIC
76 :
77 : static inline fd_alloc_block_set_t
78 : fd_alloc_block_set_add( fd_alloc_block_set_t * set,
79 130928973 : fd_alloc_block_set_t blocks ) {
80 130928973 : fd_alloc_block_set_t ret;
81 130928973 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
82 130928973 : ret = FD_ATOMIC_FETCH_AND_ADD( set, blocks );
83 130928973 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
84 130928973 : return ret;
85 130928973 : }
86 :
87 : static inline fd_alloc_block_set_t
88 : fd_alloc_block_set_sub( fd_alloc_block_set_t * set,
89 131337885 : fd_alloc_block_set_t blocks ) {
90 131337885 : fd_alloc_block_set_t ret;
91 131337885 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
92 131337885 : ret = FD_ATOMIC_FETCH_AND_SUB( set, blocks );
93 131337885 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
94 131337885 : return ret;
95 131337885 : }
96 :
97 : #else
98 :
99 : static inline fd_alloc_block_set_t
100 : fd_alloc_block_set_add( fd_alloc_block_set_t * set,
101 : fd_alloc_block_set_t blocks ) {
102 : fd_alloc_block_set_t ret;
104 : ret = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *set );
105 : FD_VOLATILE( *set ) = ret + blocks;
107 : return ret;
108 : }
109 :
110 : static inline fd_alloc_block_set_t
111 : fd_alloc_block_set_sub( fd_alloc_block_set_t * set,
112 : fd_alloc_block_set_t blocks ) {
113 : fd_alloc_block_set_t ret;
115 : ret = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *set );
116 : FD_VOLATILE( *set ) = ret - blocks;
118 : return ret;
119 : }
120 :
121 : #endif
122 :
123 : /* fd_alloc_superblock ************************************************/
124 :
125 2542617 : #define FD_ALLOC_SUPERBLOCK_ALIGN (16UL) /* Guarantees free_blocks and next_gaddr aligned are on the same cache line */
126 :
127 : struct __attribute__((aligned(FD_ALLOC_SUPERBLOCK_ALIGN))) fd_alloc_superblock {
128 : fd_alloc_block_set_t free_blocks; /* which blocks in this superblock are allocated */
129 : ulong next_gaddr; /* if on the inactive superblock stack, next inactive superblock or NULL, ignored o.w. */
130 : /* FIXME: could put a cgroup hint in the lsb of next gaddr given
131 : it is already aligned 16. */
132 : /* Storage for blocks follows */
133 : };
134 :
135 : typedef struct fd_alloc_superblock fd_alloc_superblock_t;
136 :
137 : /* fd_alloc ***********************************************************/
138 :
139 : /* FD_ALLOC_MAGIC is an ideally unique number that specifies the precise
140 : memory layout of a fd_alloc */
141 :
142 : #if FD_HAS_X86 /* Technically platforms with 16B compare-exchange */
143 :
144 408492 : #define FD_ALLOC_MAGIC (0xF17EDA2C37A110C1UL) /* FIRE DANCER ALLOC version 1 */
145 :
146 : #define VOFF_NAME fd_alloc_vgaddr
147 : #define VOFF_TYPE uint128
148 145794450 : #define VOFF_VER_WIDTH 64
149 : #include "../tmpl/fd_voff.c"
150 :
151 : #else /* Platforms without 16B compare-exchange */
152 :
153 : #define FD_ALLOC_MAGIC (0xF17EDA2C37A110C0UL) /* FIRE DANCER ALLOC version 0 */
154 :
155 : /* TODO: Overaligning superblocks on these targets to get a wider
156 : version width */
157 :
158 : #define VOFF_NAME fd_alloc_vgaddr
159 : #define VOFF_TYPE ulong
160 : #define VOFF_VER_WIDTH 4
161 : #include "../tmpl/fd_voff.c"
162 :
163 : #endif
164 :
165 : struct __attribute__((aligned(FD_ALLOC_ALIGN))) fd_alloc {
166 : ulong magic; /* ==FD_ALLOC_MAGIC */
167 : ulong wksp_off; /* Offset of the first byte of this structure from the start of the wksp */
168 : ulong tag; /* tag that will be used by this allocator. Positive. */
169 :
170 : /* Padding to 128 byte alignment here */
171 :
172 : /* active_slot[ sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup ] is the
173 : gaddr of the active superblock for sizeclass allocations done by a
174 : member of concurrency group cgroup or 0 if there is no active
175 : superblock currently for that sizeclass,cgroup pair.
176 :
177 : inactive_stack[ sizeclass ] is top of inactive stack for sizeclass
178 : or 0 if the stack is empty. This is versioned offset with a 64-bit
179 : version number in the least significant bits and a 64-bit gaddr in
180 : the upper bits. At 64-bits wide, note that version number reuse
181 : will not occur on any human timescales. (FIXME: consider using a
182 : ulong to be more portable to platforms without 128-bit CAS support.
183 : E.g. 20-bit version and a 44-bit gaddr and restricting maximum
184 : supported workspace to ~16 TiB.)
185 :
186 : Note that this is compact but organized such that concurrent
187 : operations from different cgroups are unlikely to create false
188 : sharing. */
189 :
190 : ulong active_slot[ FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*(FD_ALLOC_JOIN_CGROUP_HINT_MAX+1UL) ] __attribute__((aligned(128UL)));
191 :
192 : /* Padding to 128 byte alignment here */
193 :
194 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t inactive_stack[ FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT ] __attribute__((aligned(128UL)));
195 : };
196 :
197 : /* fd_alloc_private_wksp returns the wksp backing alloc. Assumes alloc
198 : is a non-NULL pointer in the caller's address space to the fd_alloc
199 : (not a join handle). */
200 :
201 : FD_FN_PURE static inline fd_wksp_t *
202 225214437 : fd_alloc_private_wksp( fd_alloc_t * alloc ) {
203 225214437 : return (fd_wksp_t *)(((ulong)alloc) - alloc->wksp_off);
204 225214437 : }
205 :
206 : /* fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace replaces the value currently in
207 : the slot pointed to by active_slot with new_superblock_gaddr and
208 : returns the superblock_gaddr previously in there. This is a compiler
209 : fence. If FD_HAS_ATOMIC, this will be done atomically. */
210 :
211 : static inline ulong
212 : fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( ulong * active_slot,
213 1086995802 : ulong new_superblock_gaddr ) {
214 1086995802 : ulong old_superblock_gaddr;
215 1086995802 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
216 1086995802 : # if FD_HAS_ATOMIC
217 1086995802 : old_superblock_gaddr = FD_ATOMIC_XCHG( active_slot, new_superblock_gaddr );
218 : # else
219 : old_superblock_gaddr = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *active_slot );
220 : FD_VOLATILE( *active_slot ) = new_superblock_gaddr;
221 : # endif
222 1086995802 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
223 1086995802 : return old_superblock_gaddr;
224 1086995802 : }
225 :
226 : /* fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push pushes superblock at the
227 : workspace global address superblock_gaddr in workspace wksp onto the
228 : stack inactive stack. This is a compiler fence. If FD_HAS_ATOMIC,
229 : this will be done atomically. */
230 :
231 : static inline void
232 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( fd_alloc_vgaddr_t * inactive_stack,
233 : fd_wksp_t * wksp,
234 1316136 : ulong superblock_gaddr ) {
235 1316136 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr );
236 :
237 1316136 : for(;;) {
238 :
239 : /* Read the top of the inactive stack. */
240 :
241 1316136 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t old;
242 1316136 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
243 1316136 : old = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *inactive_stack );
244 1316136 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
245 :
246 1316136 : ulong top_ver = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_ver( old );
247 1316136 : ulong top_gaddr = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_off( old );
248 :
249 : /* Try to push the top of the inactive stack */
250 :
251 1316136 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t new = fd_alloc_vgaddr( top_ver+1UL, superblock_gaddr );
252 :
253 1316136 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
254 1316136 : FD_VOLATILE( superblock->next_gaddr ) = top_gaddr;
255 1316136 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
256 :
257 1316136 : # if FD_HAS_ATOMIC
258 1316136 : if( FD_LIKELY( FD_ATOMIC_CAS( inactive_stack, old, new )==old ) ) break;
259 : # else
260 : if( FD_LIKELY( FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *inactive_stack )==old ) ) { FD_VOLATILE( *inactive_stack ) = new; break; }
261 : # endif
262 :
263 : /* Hmmm ... that failed ... try again */
264 :
265 0 : FD_SPIN_PAUSE();
266 0 : }
267 :
268 1316136 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
269 1316136 : }
270 :
271 : /* fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop pops superblock off the top of
272 : the inactive stack. Returns the non-zero wksp superblock gaddr of
273 : the popped stack top on success or 0 on failure (i.e. inactive stack
274 : is empty). This is a compiler fence. If FD_HAS_ATOMIC, this will be
275 : done atomically. */
276 :
277 : static inline ulong
278 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( fd_alloc_vgaddr_t * inactive_stack,
279 136477980 : fd_wksp_t * wksp ) {
280 136477980 : ulong top_gaddr;
281 :
282 136477980 : for(;;) {
283 :
284 : /* Read the top of the inactive stack. Return if the inactive stack
285 : is empty. */
286 :
287 136477980 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t old;
288 136477980 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
289 136477980 : old = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *inactive_stack );
290 136477980 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
291 :
292 : /**/ top_gaddr = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_off( old );
293 136477980 : ulong top_ver = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_ver( old );
294 136477980 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !top_gaddr ) ) break;
295 :
296 : /* Try to pop the top of the inactive stack. */
297 :
298 1316118 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * top = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, top_gaddr );
299 :
300 1316118 : ulong next_gaddr;
301 1316118 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
302 1316118 : next_gaddr = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( top->next_gaddr );
303 1316118 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
304 :
305 1316118 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t new = fd_alloc_vgaddr( top_ver+1UL, next_gaddr );
306 :
307 1316118 : # if FD_HAS_ATOMIC
308 1316118 : if( FD_LIKELY( FD_ATOMIC_CAS( inactive_stack, old, new )==old ) ) break;
309 : # else
310 : if( FD_LIKELY( FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *inactive_stack )==old ) ) { FD_VOLATILE( *inactive_stack ) = new; break; }
311 : # endif
312 :
313 : /* Hmmm ... that failed ... try again */
314 :
315 0 : FD_SPIN_PAUSE();
316 0 : }
317 :
318 136477980 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
319 :
320 136477980 : return top_gaddr;
321 136477980 : }
322 :
323 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_t *****************************************************/
324 :
325 : /* An fd_alloc_hdr_t is a small header prepended to an allocation that
326 : describes the allocation. Because fd_alloc supports arbitrary
327 : allocation alignments, these headers might be stored at unaligned
328 : positions. */
329 :
330 : typedef uint fd_alloc_hdr_t;
331 :
332 : /* FD_ALLOC_HDR_LARGE_* give the fd_alloc_hdr_t used for mallocs done by
333 : the allocator of last resort (i.e. fd_wksp_alloc). The least
334 : significant 7 bits must be FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_LARGE so that free can
335 : detect an allocation is done by that allocator. The most significant
336 : 24 bits are a magic number to help with analytics. Bit 7 indicates
337 : whether this allocation is direct user allocation or holds a
338 : superblock that aggregates many small allocations together. */
339 :
340 0 : #define FD_ALLOC_HDR_LARGE_DIRECT ((fd_alloc_hdr_t)(0xFDA11C00U | (fd_alloc_hdr_t)FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_LARGE))
341 : #define FD_ALLOC_HDR_LARGE_SUPERBLOCK ((fd_alloc_hdr_t)(0xFDA11C80U | (fd_alloc_hdr_t)FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_LARGE))
342 :
343 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_load loads the header for the allocation whose first
344 : byte is at laddr in the caller's address space. The header will be
345 : observed at some point of time between when this call was made and
346 : returned and this implies that the allocation at laddr must be at
347 : least until the caller stops using the header. */
348 :
349 : FD_FN_PURE static inline fd_alloc_hdr_t
350 131740473 : fd_alloc_hdr_load( void const * laddr ) {
351 131740473 : return FD_LOAD( fd_alloc_hdr_t, ((ulong)laddr) - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) );
352 131740473 : }
353 :
354 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_sizeclass returns the sizeclass of an allocation
355 : described by hdr. This will be in [0,FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT) or
357 : indicates that the allocation was done via fd_wksp_alloc directly.
358 : Small allocations are clustered into superblocks for performance and
359 : packing efficiency. All allocations in a superblock are from the
360 : same sizeclass. */
361 :
362 131746755 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong fd_alloc_hdr_sizeclass( fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr ) { return (ulong)(hdr & 127U); }
363 :
364 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_{superblock,block} return details about a small
365 : allocation whose first byte is at laddr in the caller's address space
366 : and is described by hdr. In particular:
367 :
368 : fd_alloc_hdr_superblock( hdr, laddr ) returns the location in the
369 : caller's address space of the superblock containing the allocation.
370 : The lifetime of a superblock is at least as long as the allocation at
371 : laddr.
372 :
373 : fd_alloc_hdr_block_idx( hdr ) returns the superblock block index of the
374 : block containing the allocation. Note that this will be in:
375 : [0,fd_alloc_sizeclass_block_cnt(sizeclass))
376 : and that:
377 : fd_alloc_sizeclass_block_cnt(sizeclass)<=fd_alloc_block_set_max()<=64. */
378 :
379 : FD_FN_CONST static inline fd_alloc_superblock_t *
380 : fd_alloc_hdr_superblock( fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr,
381 130929711 : void * laddr ) {
382 130929711 : return (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)(((ulong)laddr) - ((ulong)(hdr >> 13)));
383 130929711 : }
384 :
385 130929720 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong fd_alloc_hdr_block_idx( fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr ) { return (ulong)((hdr >> 7) & 63U); }
386 :
387 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_is_large returns 1 if hdr is for a large allocation and
388 : 0 if not. fd_alloc_hdr_sizeclass( hdr )==FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_LARGE
389 : also works but does not test the magic number in the most significant
390 : bits. */
391 :
392 : FD_FN_CONST static inline int
393 0 : fd_alloc_hdr_is_large( fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr ) {
394 0 : return fd_uint_clear_bit( hdr, 7 )==FD_ALLOC_HDR_LARGE_DIRECT;
395 0 : }
396 :
397 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_large_is_superblock returns 1 if hdr (which is assumed
398 : to be for a large allocation) is for a large allocation that holds a
399 : superblock. */
400 :
401 : FD_FN_CONST static inline int
402 0 : fd_alloc_hdr_large_is_superblock( fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr ) {
403 0 : return fd_uint_extract_bit( hdr, 7 );
404 0 : }
405 :
406 : /* fd_alloc_hdr_store stores a fd_alloc_hdr_t describing a small
407 : sizeclass allocation contained within block of superblock in the
408 : sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) bytes immediately preceding the byte pointed
409 : to by laddr in the caller's address space. The caller promises that
410 : these bytes are somewhere within the block.
411 :
412 : fd_alloc_hdr_store_large similarly stores a fd_alloc_hdr_t describing
413 : a large allocation. */
414 :
415 : static inline void *
416 : fd_alloc_hdr_store( void * laddr,
417 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock,
418 : ulong block_idx,
419 131337885 : ulong sizeclass ) {
420 131337885 : FD_STORE( fd_alloc_hdr_t, ((ulong)laddr) - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t),
421 131337885 : (fd_alloc_hdr_t)( ((((ulong)laddr) - ((ulong)superblock)) << 13) | /* Bits 31:13 - 19 bit: superblock offset */
422 131337885 : (block_idx << 7) | /* Bits 12: 7 - 6 bit: block */
423 131337885 : sizeclass ) ); /* Bits 6: 0 - 7 bit: sizeclass */
424 131337885 : return laddr;
425 131337885 : }
426 :
427 : static inline void *
428 : fd_alloc_hdr_store_large( void * laddr,
429 811509 : int is_superblock ) { /* in [0,1] */
430 811509 : FD_STORE( fd_alloc_hdr_t, ((ulong)laddr) - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t),
431 811509 : FD_ALLOC_HDR_LARGE_DIRECT | (((fd_alloc_hdr_t)is_superblock) << 7) );
432 811509 : return laddr;
433 811509 : }
434 :
435 : /* Misc ***************************************************************/
436 :
437 : /* fd_alloc_private_join_alloc returns the local address of the alloc
438 : for a join. */
439 :
440 : FD_FN_CONST fd_alloc_t *
441 263844537 : fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
442 263844537 : return (fd_alloc_t *)(((ulong)join) & ~FD_ALLOC_JOIN_CGROUP_HINT_MAX);
443 263844537 : }
444 :
445 : /* Constructors *******************************************************/
446 :
447 : ulong
448 408498 : fd_alloc_align( void ) {
449 408498 : return alignof(fd_alloc_t);
450 408498 : }
451 :
452 : ulong
453 408498 : fd_alloc_footprint( void ) {
454 408498 : return sizeof(fd_alloc_t);
455 408498 : }
456 :
457 : ulong
458 0 : fd_alloc_superblock_footprint(void){
459 0 : return sizeof(fd_alloc_superblock_t);
460 0 : }
461 :
462 : void *
463 : fd_alloc_new( void * shmem,
464 408504 : ulong tag ) {
465 :
466 : /* Check input arguments */
467 :
468 408504 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !shmem ) ) {
469 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "NULL shmem" ));
470 3 : return NULL;
471 3 : }
472 :
473 408501 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !fd_ulong_is_aligned( (ulong)shmem, alignof(fd_alloc_t) ) ) ) {
474 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "misaligned shmem" ));
475 3 : return NULL;
476 3 : }
477 :
478 408498 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_wksp_containing( shmem );
479 408498 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !wksp ) ) {
480 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "shmem must be in a workspace" ));
481 3 : return NULL;
482 3 : }
483 :
484 408495 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !tag ) ) {
485 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "bad tag" ));
486 3 : return NULL;
487 3 : }
488 :
489 408492 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = (fd_alloc_t *)shmem;
490 408492 : fd_memset( alloc, 0, sizeof(fd_alloc_t) );
491 :
492 408492 : alloc->wksp_off = (ulong)alloc - (ulong)wksp;
493 408492 : alloc->tag = tag;
494 :
495 408492 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
496 408492 : FD_VOLATILE( alloc->magic ) = FD_ALLOC_MAGIC;
497 408492 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
498 :
499 408492 : return shmem;
500 408495 : }
501 :
502 : fd_alloc_t *
503 : fd_alloc_join( void * shalloc,
504 408555 : ulong cgroup_hint ) {
505 408555 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = shalloc;
506 :
507 408555 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !alloc ) ) {
508 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "NULL shalloc" ));
509 3 : return NULL;
510 3 : }
511 :
512 408552 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !fd_ulong_is_aligned( (ulong)alloc, alignof(fd_alloc_t) ) ) ) {
513 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "misaligned shalloc" ));
514 3 : return NULL;
515 3 : }
516 :
517 408549 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( alloc->magic!=FD_ALLOC_MAGIC ) ) {
518 9 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "bad magic" ));
519 9 : return NULL;
520 9 : }
521 408540 : return fd_alloc_join_cgroup_hint_set( alloc, cgroup_hint );
522 408549 : }
523 :
524 : void *
525 408531 : fd_alloc_leave( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
526 :
527 408531 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !join ) ) {
528 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "NULL join" ));
529 3 : return NULL;
530 3 : }
531 408528 : return fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
532 408531 : }
533 :
534 : void *
535 408498 : fd_alloc_delete( void * shalloc ) {
536 :
537 408498 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !shalloc ) ) {
538 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "NULL shalloc" ));
539 3 : return NULL;
540 3 : }
541 :
542 408495 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !fd_ulong_is_aligned( (ulong)shalloc, alignof(fd_alloc_t) ) ) ) {
543 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "misaligned shalloc" ));
544 3 : return NULL;
545 3 : }
546 :
547 408492 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = (fd_alloc_t *)shalloc;
548 :
549 408492 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( alloc->magic!=FD_ALLOC_MAGIC ) ) {
550 3 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "bad magic" ));
551 3 : return NULL;
552 3 : }
553 :
554 408489 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
555 408489 : FD_VOLATILE( alloc->magic ) = 0UL;
556 408489 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
557 :
558 : /* Clean up as much as we can. For each sizeclass, delete all active
559 : superblocks and all inactive superblocks. We will not be able
560 : cleanup any superblocks that are fully allocated (and any
561 : outstanding large allocations) as we rely on the application to
562 : implicitly track them (because they nominally will eventually call
563 : free on them). So hopefully the application did a good job and
564 : cleaned up all their outstanding stuff before calling delete. */
565 :
566 408489 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
567 :
568 51878103 : for( ulong sizeclass=0UL; sizeclass<FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT; sizeclass++ ) {
569 :
570 51469614 : ulong cgroup_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].cgroup_mask + 1UL;
571 874983438 : for( ulong cgroup_idx=0UL; cgroup_idx<cgroup_cnt; cgroup_idx++ ) {
572 823513824 : ulong superblock_gaddr =
573 823513824 : fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( alloc->active_slot + sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup_idx, 0UL );
574 823513824 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( superblock_gaddr ) )
575 2002680 : fd_alloc_free( alloc, (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr ) );
576 823513824 : }
577 :
578 51469614 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t * inactive_stack = alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass;
579 51469629 : for(;;) {
580 51469629 : ulong superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( inactive_stack, wksp );
581 51469629 : if( FD_LIKELY( !superblock_gaddr ) ) break;
582 15 : fd_alloc_free( alloc, (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr ) );
583 15 : }
584 :
585 51469614 : }
586 :
587 408489 : return shalloc;
588 408492 : }
589 :
590 : fd_wksp_t *
591 42 : fd_alloc_wksp( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
592 42 : return FD_LIKELY( join ) ? fd_alloc_private_wksp( fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join ) ) : NULL;
593 42 : }
594 :
595 : ulong
596 15 : fd_alloc_tag( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
597 15 : return FD_LIKELY( join ) ? fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join )->tag : 0UL;
598 15 : }
599 :
600 : void *
601 : fd_alloc_malloc_at_least( fd_alloc_t * join,
602 : ulong align,
603 : ulong sz,
604 131694744 : ulong * max ) {
605 :
606 131694744 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !max ) ) return NULL;
607 :
608 : /* Handle default align, NULL alloc, 0 size, non-power-of-two align
609 : and unreasonably large sz. footprint has room for fd_alloc_hdr_t,
610 : sz bytes with enough padding to allow for the arbitrary alignment
611 : of blocks in a superblock. Note that footprint is guaranteed not
612 : to overflow if align is a power of 2 as align at most 2^63 and
613 : sizeof is 4 and we abort is align is not a power of 2. So we don't
614 : need to do elaborate overflow checking. */
615 :
616 131694744 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
617 :
618 131694744 : align = fd_ulong_if( !align, FD_ALLOC_MALLOC_ALIGN_DEFAULT, align );
619 :
620 : # if FD_HAS_DEEPASAN
621 : /* The header is prepended and needs to be unpoisoned. Ensure that
622 : there is padding for the alloc_hdr to be properly aligned. We
623 : want to exit silently if the sz passed in is 0. The alignment must be
624 : at least 8. */
625 : ulong fd_alloc_hdr_footprint = fd_ulong_align_up( sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t), FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
626 : if( FD_LIKELY(sz && sz < ULONG_MAX) ) {
627 : sz = fd_ulong_align_up( sz, FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
628 : }
629 : align = fd_ulong_if( align < FD_ASAN_ALIGN, FD_ASAN_ALIGN, align );
630 : # else
631 131694744 : ulong fd_alloc_hdr_footprint = sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t);
632 131694744 : # endif
633 :
634 131694744 : ulong footprint = sz + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint + align - 1UL;
635 :
636 131694744 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( (!alloc) | (!fd_ulong_is_pow2( align )) | (!sz) | (footprint<=sz) ) ) {
637 72 : *max = 0UL;
638 72 : return NULL;
639 72 : }
640 :
641 131694672 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
642 :
643 : /* At this point, alloc is non-NULL and backed by wksp, align is a
644 : power-of-2, footprint is a reasonable non-zero value. If the
645 : footprint is large, just allocate the memory directly, prepend the
646 : appropriate header and return. TODO: consider clearing alignment
647 : padding for better alloc parameter recovery in diagnostics here? */
648 :
649 131694672 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( footprint > FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT_SMALL_THRESH ) ) {
650 :
651 356787 : ulong glo;
652 356787 : ulong ghi;
653 356787 : ulong wksp_gaddr = fd_wksp_alloc_at_least( wksp, 1UL, footprint, alloc->tag, &glo, &ghi );
654 356787 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !wksp_gaddr ) ) {
655 0 : *max = 0UL;
656 0 : return NULL;
657 0 : }
658 :
659 356787 : ulong alloc_gaddr = fd_ulong_align_up( wksp_gaddr + sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t), align );
660 356787 : *max = (ghi - glo) - (alloc_gaddr - wksp_gaddr);
661 356787 : return fd_alloc_hdr_store_large( fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, alloc_gaddr ), 0 /* !sb */ );
662 356787 : }
663 :
664 : /* At this point, the footprint is small. Determine the preferred
665 : sizeclass for this allocation and the preferred active superblock
666 : to use for this sizeclass and join. */
667 :
668 131337885 : ulong sizeclass = fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass( footprint );
669 131337885 : ulong cgroup = fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass_cgroup( sizeclass, fd_alloc_join_cgroup_hint( join ) );
670 :
671 131337885 : ulong * active_slot = alloc->active_slot + sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup;
672 :
673 : /* Try to get exclusive access to the preferred active superblock.
674 : Note that all all active superblocks have at least one free block.
675 :
676 : TODO: consider doing something test-and_test-and-set? E.g.:
677 : superblock_gaddr = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( *active_slot );
678 : if( FD_LIKELY( superblock_gaddr ) ) superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_replace_active( active_slot, 0UL );
679 : This would avoid an atomic operation if there currently isn't an
680 : active superblock for this sizeclass and cgroup. */
681 :
682 131337885 : ulong superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( active_slot, 0UL );
683 :
684 : /* At this point, if superblock_gaddr is non-zero, we have exclusive
685 : access to the superblock and only we can allocate blocks from it.
686 : (Other threads could free blocks to it concurrently though.)
687 :
688 : If superblock_gaddr is zero, there was no preferred active
689 : superblock for this sizeclass,cgroup pair when we looked. So, we
690 : try to pop the inactive superblock stack for this sizeclass. Note
691 : that all inactive superblocks also have at least one free block.
692 :
693 : If that fails, we try to allocate a new superblock to hold this
694 : allocation. If we are able to do so, obviously the new superblock
695 : would have at least one free block for this allocation. (Yes,
696 : malloc calls itself recursively. The base case is the large
697 : allocation above. Note that we expand out the base case explicitly
698 : here so we can distinguish user large allocations from gigantic
699 : superblock allocations in analytics without having to change the
700 : APIs or use the public API as a wrapper.)
701 :
702 : If that fails, we are in trouble and fail (we are either out of
703 : memory or have too much wksp fragmentation). */
704 :
705 131337885 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !superblock_gaddr ) ) {
706 :
707 3303027 : superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass, wksp );
708 :
709 3303027 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !superblock_gaddr ) ) {
710 :
711 2087895 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock;
712 :
713 2087895 : ulong superblock_footprint = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].superblock_footprint;
714 2087895 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( superblock_footprint > FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT_SMALL_THRESH ) ) {
715 :
716 454722 : ulong wksp_footprint = superblock_footprint + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint + FD_ALLOC_SUPERBLOCK_ALIGN - 1UL;
717 454722 : ulong wksp_gaddr = fd_wksp_alloc( wksp, 1UL, wksp_footprint, alloc->tag );
718 454722 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !wksp_gaddr ) ) {
719 0 : *max = 0UL;
720 0 : return NULL;
721 0 : }
722 :
723 454722 : superblock_gaddr = fd_ulong_align_up( wksp_gaddr + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint, FD_ALLOC_SUPERBLOCK_ALIGN );
724 : # if FD_HAS_DEEPASAN
725 : /* At this point, a new superblock is allocated from the wksp and the header
726 : is prepended. The alignment needs to be taken into account: the padding
727 : should also be unpoisoned.
728 :
729 : Due to ASan requiring 8 byte word alignment for poisoning regions, must
730 : guarantee 8 bytes for the header instead of just sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t).
731 : We have a worst case padding of 15 bytes. Due to forced alignment in
732 : fd_wksp_alloc of at least 8 bytes, in the worst case we will use 8 bytes
733 : to align up the superblock_gaddr. The remaining 7 padding bytes will be
734 : used to safely allow for the superblock_footprint to be aligned up to
735 : an 8 byte multiple. */
736 : void * unpoison_laddr = fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr - fd_alloc_hdr_footprint );
737 : ulong aligned_superblock_footprint = fd_ulong_align_up( superblock_footprint, FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
738 : fd_asan_unpoison( unpoison_laddr, aligned_superblock_footprint + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint );
739 : # endif
740 :
741 454722 : superblock = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)
742 454722 : fd_alloc_hdr_store_large( fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr ), 1 /* sb */ );
743 :
744 1633173 : } else {
745 :
746 : /* TODO: consider having user facing API wrap an internal API so
747 : that recursive calls don't have to do redundant error
748 : trapping?
749 :
750 : TODO: consider using at_least semantics to adapt the actual
751 : size of the superblock to the location it is stored
752 : (currently should be irrelevant as the sizeclasses are
753 : designed to tightly nest). */
754 :
755 1633173 : superblock = fd_alloc_malloc( join, FD_ALLOC_SUPERBLOCK_ALIGN, superblock_footprint );
756 1633173 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !superblock ) ) {
757 0 : *max = 0UL;
758 0 : return NULL;
759 0 : }
760 1633173 : superblock_gaddr = fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, superblock );
761 :
762 1633173 : }
763 :
764 2087895 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
765 2087895 : FD_VOLATILE( superblock->free_blocks ) = fd_ulong_mask_lsb( (int)(uint)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_cnt );
766 2087895 : FD_VOLATILE( superblock->next_gaddr ) = 0UL;
767 2087895 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
768 :
769 2087895 : }
770 3303027 : }
771 :
772 : /* At this point, we have a superblock with space for at least one
773 : allocation and only we can allocate blocks from it. Other threads
774 : could free blocks in this superblock concurrently though. As such,
775 : we can non-atomically find a set bit in free_blocks (there will be
776 : at least one and no other thread will clear it behind our back) but
777 : we must atomically clear the bit we found so we don't mess up the
778 : other bits that might be concurrently set by free. */
779 :
780 131337885 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr );
781 :
782 131337885 : fd_alloc_block_set_t free_blocks;
783 131337885 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
784 131337885 : free_blocks = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( superblock->free_blocks );
785 131337885 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
786 :
787 131337885 : ulong block_idx = fd_alloc_block_set_first( free_blocks );
788 131337885 : fd_alloc_block_set_t block = fd_alloc_block_set_ele( block_idx );
789 :
790 131337885 : free_blocks = fd_alloc_block_set_sub( &superblock->free_blocks, block );
791 :
792 : /* At this point, free_blocks gives the set of free blocks in the
793 : superblock immediately before the allocation occurred. */
794 :
795 131337885 : if( FD_LIKELY( free_blocks!=block ) ) {
796 :
797 : /* At this point, we know the superblock has at least one
798 : allocated block in it (the one we just allocated) and one free
799 : block in it. And this will hold true until we put this
800 : superblock back into circulation. Specifically, nobody can free
801 : the block we just allocated until we return to tell them about it
802 : and nobody can allocate any remaining free blocks until we get
803 : this superblock back into circulation. To get this superblock
804 : back into circulation, we make it the active superblock for this
805 : sizeclass,cgroup pair. */
806 :
807 120642780 : ulong displaced_superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( active_slot, superblock_gaddr );
808 :
809 : /* And if this displaced a previously active superblock (e.g.
810 : another thread made an different superblock the active one while
811 : we were doing the above), we add the displaced superblock to the
812 : sizeclass's inactive superblocks. Note that any such displaced
813 : superblock also has at least one free block in it (the active
814 : superblock always has at least one free block) that nobody can
815 : allocate from as, at this point, it is not in circulation. Thus,
816 : pushing it onto the superblock's inactive stack will preserve the
817 : invariant that all inactive superblocks have at least one free
818 : block. */
819 :
820 120642780 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( displaced_superblock_gaddr ) )
821 0 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass, wksp, displaced_superblock_gaddr );
822 :
823 120642780 : } //else {
824 :
825 : /* The superblock had no more free blocks immediately after the
826 : allocation occurred. We should not make this superblock the
827 : preferred superblock or push it onto the sizeclass's nonfull
828 : superblock stack; it would break the invariants that all
829 : superblocks in circulation for a sizeclass have at least one
830 : free block.
831 :
832 : And, as this superblock had no free blocks, we don't need to
833 : track the superblock anyway as malloc can't use the superblock
834 : until some of the blocks in it have been freed. As such, this
835 : superblock will not be used in a malloc until after the next call
836 : to free on a block in this superblock returns this superblock to
837 : circulation. Note that this superblock will have at least one
838 : allocated block until after this function returns (the block we
839 : just allocated) and thus cannot ever be considered as a deletion
840 : candidate until after this function returns and this allocation
841 : is freed.
842 :
843 : As discussed in free below, we could update a superblock cgroup
844 : hint here (such that the when the superblock goes back into
845 : circulation, it will be put into circulation as the active
846 : superblock for this cgroup to encourage for additional mallocs
847 : from this thread for good spatial locality). This doesn't need
848 : to be atomic. Even though a concurrent free on another thread
849 : might get this into superblock into circulation before this
850 : executes (and thus also have other mallocs occurred that changed
851 : the active_hint), it doesn't matter. So long as the hint is a
852 : sane value at all points in time, free will work fine. */
853 :
854 : //}
855 :
856 : /* Carve the requested allocation out of the newly allocated block,
857 : prepend the allocation header for use by free and return. TODO:
858 : considering clearing alignment padding for better alloc parameter
859 : recovery in diagnostics here? */
860 :
861 131337885 : ulong block_footprint = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_footprint;
862 131337885 : ulong block_laddr = (ulong)superblock + sizeof(fd_alloc_superblock_t) + block_idx*block_footprint;
863 131337885 : ulong alloc_laddr = fd_ulong_align_up( block_laddr + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint, align );
864 :
865 : # if FD_HAS_DEEPASAN
866 : /* The block and the header must be unpoisoned to accomodate the block
867 : footprint. The block footprint is determined by the sizeclass which
868 : provides the minimum size that accomodates the footprint which is the
869 : sz that's passed in, the padded fd_alloc_hdr, and the worst case amount
870 : of alignment bytes. Because sz % FD_ASAN_ALIGN == 0, it is known that
871 : we will have unused bytes at the end of the block since alloc_laddr %
872 : FD_ASAN_ALIGN == 0. To ensure ASAN alignment, the range of bytes used
873 : in the block can be safely rounded down.
874 : */
875 :
876 : void* laddr = (void*)(alloc_laddr - fd_alloc_hdr_footprint);
877 :
878 : ulong block_hi_addr = block_laddr + block_footprint;
879 : ulong block_unpoison_sz = fd_ulong_align_dn( block_hi_addr - alloc_laddr, FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
880 : fd_asan_unpoison( laddr, block_unpoison_sz + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint );
881 : # endif
882 :
883 131337885 : *max = block_footprint - (alloc_laddr - block_laddr);
884 :
885 131337885 : return fd_alloc_hdr_store( (void *)alloc_laddr, superblock, block_idx, sizeclass );
886 131337885 : }
887 :
888 : void
889 : fd_alloc_free( fd_alloc_t * join,
890 131740599 : void * laddr ) {
891 :
892 : /* Handle NULL alloc and/or NULL laddr */
893 :
894 131740599 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
895 131740599 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( (!alloc) | (!laddr) ) ) return;
896 :
897 : /* At this point, we have a non-NULL alloc and a pointer to the first
898 : byte to an allocation done by it. Load the allocation header and
899 : extract the sizeclass. If the sizeclass indicates this is a large
900 : allocation, use fd_wksp_free to free this allocation (note that
901 : fd_wksp_free works for any byte within the wksp allocation). */
902 :
903 131740473 : fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr = fd_alloc_hdr_load( laddr );
904 131740473 : ulong sizeclass = fd_alloc_hdr_sizeclass( hdr );
905 :
906 131740473 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( sizeclass==FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_LARGE ) ) {
907 811500 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
908 811500 : fd_wksp_free( wksp, fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, laddr ) );
909 811500 : return;
910 811500 : }
911 :
912 : /* At this point, we have a small allocation. Determine the
913 : superblock and block index from the header and then free the block. */
914 :
915 130928973 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = fd_alloc_hdr_superblock( hdr, laddr );
916 130928973 : ulong block_idx = fd_alloc_hdr_block_idx( hdr );
917 130928973 : fd_alloc_block_set_t block = fd_alloc_block_set_ele( block_idx );
918 130928973 : fd_alloc_block_set_t free_blocks = fd_alloc_block_set_add( &superblock->free_blocks, block );
919 :
920 :
921 : # if FD_HAS_DEEPASAN
922 : /* The portion of the block which is used for the header and the allocation
923 : should get poisoned. The alloc's laddr is already at least 8 byte aligned.
924 : The 8 bytes prior to the start of the laddr are used by the fd_alloc_hdr_t.
925 : These should get poisoned as the block is freed again. The region used by
926 : the allocation should also get poisoned: [laddr,block_laddr+block_footprint].
927 : However, we know that the size of the initial allocation was also 8 byte
928 : aligned so we align down the size of the range to poison safely. */
929 : ulong block_footprint = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_footprint;
930 : ulong block_laddr = (ulong)superblock + sizeof(fd_alloc_superblock_t) + block_idx*block_footprint;
931 : ulong block_hi_addr = fd_ulong_align_dn( block_laddr + block_footprint, FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
932 : ulong fd_alloc_hdr_footprint = fd_ulong_align_up( sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t), FD_ASAN_ALIGN );
933 : ulong fd_alloc_hdr_laddr = (ulong)laddr - fd_alloc_hdr_footprint;
934 : ulong sz = block_hi_addr - (ulong)laddr + fd_alloc_hdr_footprint;
935 : fd_asan_poison( (void*)fd_alloc_hdr_laddr, sz );
936 : # endif
937 :
938 : /* At this point, free_blocks is the set of free blocks just before
939 : the free. */
940 :
941 130928973 : ulong free_cnt = fd_alloc_block_set_cnt( free_blocks );
942 130928973 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !free_cnt ) ) {
943 :
944 : /* The superblock containing this block had no free blocks
945 : immediately before we freed the allocation. Thus, at this point,
946 : nobody can allocate any blocks from this superblock (the
947 : superblock is neither an active superblock nor on the inactive
948 : stack as per the note in malloc above) and we need to get the
949 : superblock back into circulation for reuse. It is okay if other
950 : threads concurrently free other blocks in this superblock while
951 : we are doing this (they know the superblock is either in
952 : circulation or is being put into circulation).
953 :
954 : Since there is at least one free block in the superblock and
955 : nobody can allocate from it until it is circulation, putting it
956 : into circulation preserves the invariant that all superblocks in
957 : circulation have at least one free block.
958 :
959 : We have a bunch of options for putting this superblock back into
960 : circulation:
961 :
962 : - By pushing it onto the inactive stack
963 : - By making it the active superblock of the caller's cgroup
964 : - By making it the active superblock of the cgroup that most did
965 : the most recent malloc from it.
966 : - By making it the active superblock based on explicitly provided
967 : hint.
968 : - ...
969 :
970 : The first option is simplest to implement and balanced between
971 : common use cases single threaded, malloc/free pairs have thread
972 : affinity, and pipelined use cases. (E.g. single threaded will
973 : take an extra time to hop from inactive and active and potential
974 : has slightly worse overallocation, similar story for paired.
975 : Cache affinity in these two cases might be slightly degraded from
976 : empty superblocks hopping between concurrency groups via the
977 : inactive stack, pipelined naturally gets the page back to the
978 : malloc-ing thread albeit with a brief hop through the inactive
979 : stack though).
980 :
981 : The second option is about as simple and optimizes the
982 : single/threaded and paired use cases as this thread is also the
983 : thread likely the same thread that malloc'd this. Pipelined is
984 : marginally worse as the superblock will have to take two hops
985 : before it gets reused again (from the free-ing thread active
986 : superblock to the inactive stack to the malloc-ing active
987 : superblock).
988 :
989 : The third and fourth options can simultaneously get all options
990 : optimized but they require extra plumbing (either under the hood
991 : as per the note in malloc above from to the caller to get the
992 : extra context).
993 :
994 : Currently we do the second option for simplicity and optimal
995 : behaviors in the single threaded and paired use cases. */
996 :
997 10695102 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
998 :
999 10695102 : ulong cgroup = fd_alloc_preferred_sizeclass_cgroup( sizeclass, fd_alloc_join_cgroup_hint( join ) );
1000 10695102 : ulong * active_slot = alloc->active_slot + sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup;
1001 :
1002 10695102 : ulong displaced_superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( active_slot, fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, superblock ) );
1003 :
1004 : /* If this displaced an already active superblock, we need to push
1005 : the displaced superblock onto the inactive stack (note that the
1006 : superblock cannot be the same as the currently active superblock
1007 : because the superblock was not in circulation before). */
1008 :
1009 10695102 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( displaced_superblock_gaddr ) )
1010 1300245 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass, wksp, displaced_superblock_gaddr );
1011 10695102 : return;
1012 10695102 : }
1013 :
1014 : /* This point, we know the superblock had some free blocks before our
1015 : free and thus is currently in circulation. */
1016 :
1017 120233871 : free_cnt++; /* Number of free blocks immediately after above free */
1018 :
1019 120233871 : ulong block_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_cnt;
1020 120233871 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( free_cnt==block_cnt ) ) {
1021 :
1022 : /* None of the blocks were in use after the above free. We might
1023 : consider freeing it to reclaim space for other sizeclasses or
1024 : large allocations. But we don't mind having a few totally empty
1025 : superblocks in circulation for a sizeclass as this prevents
1026 : things like:
1027 :
1028 : addr = malloc(sz);
1029 : free(addr);
1030 : addr = malloc(sz);
1031 : free(addr)
1032 : ...
1033 : addr = malloc(sz);
1034 : free(addr)
1035 :
1036 : from repeatedly needing to invoke malloc recursively to recreate
1037 : superblock hierarchies that were prematurely freed.
1038 :
1039 : Regardless, since this superblock is in circulation, we can't be
1040 : sure it is safe to delete because something might be malloc-ing
1041 : from it concurrently. Thus, we are going to keep this superblock
1042 : in circulation as is.
1043 :
1044 : But, since we know we have at least 1 completely empty superblock
1045 : in circulation now, to prevent the unbounded accumulation of
1046 : completely empty superblocks, we will try to get an inactive
1047 : superblock and, if that is empty, delete that.
1048 :
1049 : This is pretty tricky as it is possible other threads are
1050 : concurrently trying to pop the inactive stack to do a malloc. If
1051 : we actually unmapped the memory here, such a thread could seg
1052 : fault if it stalls after it reads the top of the stack but before
1053 : it queries the top for the next_gaddr (and we'd have to use
1054 : another strategy). But that is not an issue here as the
1055 : underlying wksp memory is still mapped post-deletion regardless.
1056 :
1057 : Likewise, though the post deletion top->next_gaddr read will get
1058 : a stale value in this scenario, it highly likely will not be
1059 : injected into the inactive_stack because the CAS will detect that
1060 : inactive_stack top has changed and fail.
1061 :
1062 : And, lastly, we version inactive_stack top such that, even if
1063 : somehow we had a thread stall in pop after reading
1064 : top->next_gaddr / other threads do other operations that
1065 : ultimately keep top the same change the value of top->next_gaddr
1066 : / stalled thread resumes, the version number on the stalled
1067 : thread will be wrong cause the CAS to fail. (There is a
1068 : theoretical risk of version number reuse but the version number
1069 : is wide enough to make that risk zero on any practical
1070 : timescale.) */
1071 :
1072 81604020 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
1073 81604020 : ulong deletion_candidate_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass, wksp );
1074 :
1075 81604020 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !deletion_candidate_gaddr ) ) return; /* No deletion_candidate, unclear branch prob */
1076 :
1077 100215 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * deletion_candidate = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, deletion_candidate_gaddr );
1078 :
1079 100215 : ulong deletion_candidate_free_blocks;
1080 100215 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
1081 100215 : deletion_candidate_free_blocks = FD_VOLATILE_CONST( deletion_candidate->free_blocks );
1082 100215 : FD_COMPILER_MFENCE();
1083 :
1084 100215 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( fd_alloc_block_set_cnt( deletion_candidate_free_blocks )==block_cnt ) ) /* Candidate empty -> delete it */
1085 85080 : fd_alloc_free( join, deletion_candidate );
1086 15135 : else /* Candidate not empty -> return it to circulation */
1087 15135 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass, wksp, deletion_candidate_gaddr );
1088 :
1089 100215 : return;
1090 81604020 : }
1091 120233871 : }
1092 :
1093 : void
1094 399 : fd_alloc_compact( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
1095 399 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
1096 399 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !alloc ) ) {
1097 0 : FD_LOG_WARNING(( "bad join" ));
1098 0 : return;
1099 0 : }
1100 :
1101 399 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
1102 :
1103 : /* We scan each sizeclass (in monotonically increasing order) for
1104 : completely empty superblocks that thus can be freed. This has the
1105 : pleasant side effect that, as smaller empty superblocks get freed,
1106 : it can potentially allow for any larger superblocks in which they
1107 : are nested to be subsequently freed. If no other operations are
1108 : running concurrently, any remaining gigantic superblocks should
1109 : contain at least one application allocation somewhere in them. */
1110 :
1111 50673 : for( ulong sizeclass=0UL; sizeclass<FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT; sizeclass++ ) {
1112 50274 : ulong block_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_cnt;
1113 50274 : ulong cgroup_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].cgroup_mask + 1UL;
1114 50274 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t * inactive_stack = alloc->inactive_stack + sizeclass;
1115 :
1116 : /* For each active superblock in this sizeclass */
1117 :
1118 854658 : for( ulong cgroup_idx=0UL; cgroup_idx<cgroup_cnt; cgroup_idx++ ) {
1119 804384 : ulong * active_slot = alloc->active_slot + sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup_idx;
1120 804384 : ulong superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( active_slot, 0UL );
1121 804384 : if( !superblock_gaddr ) continue; /* application dependent branch prob */
1122 :
1123 1893 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr );
1124 :
1125 : /* At this point, we have atomically acquired the cgroup_idx's
1126 : active superblock, there is no active superblock for
1127 : cgroup_idx, and it has at least one free block. Since the
1128 : superblock is out of circulation for malloc, nobody will malloc
1129 : anything from this superblock behind our back. And if this
1130 : superblock is completely empty, nobody will call free on any
1131 : blocks in this superblock behind our back. Thus we can free
1132 : this superblock safely.
1133 :
1134 : If there are some blocks still allocated, we put the superblock
1135 : back into circulation (we know from the above it still has at
1136 : least one free block, preserving the invariant). This might
1137 : displace a superblock that another thread made active behind
1138 : our back. We push any such superblock block onto the inactive
1139 : stack (it also will have at least one free block for the same
1140 : reasons). */
1141 :
1142 1893 : if( fd_alloc_block_set_cnt( superblock->free_blocks )==block_cnt ) fd_alloc_free( join, superblock );
1143 1827 : else {
1144 1827 : ulong displaced_superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_active_slot_replace( active_slot, superblock_gaddr );
1145 1827 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( displaced_superblock_gaddr ) )
1146 0 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( inactive_stack, wksp, displaced_superblock_gaddr );
1147 1827 : }
1148 1893 : }
1149 :
1150 : /* Drain the inactive stack for this sizeclass. All empty
1151 : superblocks found will be freed (safe for the same reasons as
1152 : above). All remaining superblocks will be pushed onto a local
1153 : stack (and every one will have at least one free block it while
1154 : there for the same reasons). After the inactive stack drain, we
1155 : drain the local stack back into the inactive stack to get all
1156 : these remaining superblocks back into circulation (also safe for
1157 : the same reasons) and with same relative ordering (not required).
1158 : We technically don't need to use a lockfree push / pop for the
1159 : local stack but no sense in implementing a second version for
1160 : this mostly diagnostic / teardown oriented use case. */
1161 :
1162 50274 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t local_stack[1];
1163 :
1164 50274 : local_stack[0] = fd_alloc_vgaddr( 0UL, 0UL );
1165 :
1166 50652 : for(;;) {
1167 50652 : ulong superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( inactive_stack, wksp );
1168 50652 : if( !superblock_gaddr ) break; /* application dependent branch prob */
1169 378 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = (fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr );
1170 :
1171 378 : if( fd_alloc_block_set_cnt( superblock->free_blocks )==block_cnt ) fd_alloc_free( join, superblock );
1172 378 : else fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( local_stack, wksp, superblock_gaddr );
1173 378 : }
1174 :
1175 50652 : for(;;) {
1176 50652 : ulong superblock_gaddr = fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_pop( local_stack, wksp );
1177 50652 : if( !superblock_gaddr ) break; /* application dependent branch prob */
1178 :
1179 378 : fd_alloc_private_inactive_stack_push( inactive_stack, wksp, superblock_gaddr );
1180 378 : }
1181 50274 : }
1182 399 : }
1183 :
1184 : #include "../wksp/fd_wksp_private.h"
1185 :
1186 : int
1187 204 : fd_alloc_is_empty( fd_alloc_t * join ) {
1188 204 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
1189 204 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !alloc ) ) return 0;
1190 :
1191 204 : fd_alloc_compact( join );
1192 :
1193 : /* At this point (assuming no concurrent operations on this alloc),
1194 : all remaining large allocations contain at least one user
1195 : allocation. Thus if there are any large allocs remaining for this
1196 : alloc, we know the alloc is not empty. Since the wksp alloc that
1197 : holds the alloc itself might use the tag the used for large
1198 : allocations, we handle that as well. We do this in a brute force
1199 : way to avoid taking a lock (note that this calculation should
1200 : really only be done as non-performance critical diagnostic and then
1201 : on a quiescent system). */
1202 :
1203 204 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
1204 :
1205 204 : ulong alloc_lo = fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, alloc );
1206 204 : ulong alloc_hi = alloc_lo + FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT;
1207 204 : ulong alloc_tag = alloc->tag;
1208 :
1209 204 : ulong part_max = wksp->part_max;
1210 204 : fd_wksp_private_pinfo_t * pinfo = fd_wksp_private_pinfo( wksp );
1211 :
1212 204 : ulong i;
1213 344316 : for( i=0UL; i<part_max; i++ ) {
1214 344304 : if( FD_LIKELY( pinfo[ i ].tag!=alloc_tag ) ) continue; /* optimize for no leak case */
1215 195 : ulong gaddr_lo = pinfo[ i ].gaddr_lo;
1216 195 : ulong gaddr_hi = pinfo[ i ].gaddr_hi;
1217 195 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !((gaddr_lo<=alloc_lo) & (alloc_hi<=gaddr_hi)) ) ) break; /* optimize for no leak case */
1218 195 : }
1219 :
1220 204 : return i==part_max;
1221 204 : }
1222 :
1223 : /**********************************************************************/
1224 :
1225 : #include <stdio.h>
1226 :
1227 8178 : #define TRAP(x) do { int _cnt = (x); if( _cnt<0 ) { return _cnt; } cnt += _cnt; } while(0)
1228 :
1229 : /* fd_alloc_superblock_fprintf pretty prints to the given stream
1230 : exhaustive details about the current state of the given superblock in
1231 : wksp at superblock_gaddr. The superblock's parameters are given by
1232 : sizeclass, block_cnt, block_footprint. Diagnostics will be accumulated
1233 : ctr. Returns behavior matches fprintf return behavior (i.e. the
1234 : number of characters output to stream or a negative error code).
1235 : This is meant to be called exclusively from fd_alloc_fprintf and does
1236 : no error trapping of its inputs. */
1237 :
1238 : static int
1239 : fd_alloc_superblock_fprintf( fd_wksp_t * wksp, /* non-NULL */
1240 : ulong superblock_gaddr, /* valid gaddr for wksp */
1241 : ulong sizeclass, /* valid sizeclass */
1242 : ulong block_cnt, /* matches sizeclass cfg */
1243 : ulong block_footprint, /* matches sizeclass cfg */
1244 : FILE * stream, /* non-NULL */
1245 1488 : ulong * ctr ) { /* non-NULL, room for 2 */
1246 1488 : int cnt = 0;
1247 :
1248 : /* Print the block header */
1249 :
1250 1488 : fd_alloc_superblock_t * superblock = fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr );
1251 :
1252 1488 : fd_alloc_block_set_t free_blocks = superblock->free_blocks;
1253 :
1254 1488 : ulong msb = fd_ulong_shift_right( free_blocks, (int)block_cnt ); /* Note: block_cnt==64 possible */
1255 1488 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( msb ) ) ctr[0]++;
1256 1488 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "free_blocks 0x%lx (%s)\n", free_blocks, msb==0UL ? "good" : "bad" ) );
1257 :
1258 : /* For each block */
1259 :
1260 41337 : for( ulong block_idx=0UL; block_idx<block_cnt; block_idx++ ) {
1261 39849 : ulong gaddr_lo = superblock_gaddr + sizeof(fd_alloc_superblock_t) + block_idx*block_footprint;
1262 39849 : ulong gaddr_hi = gaddr_lo + block_footprint;
1263 :
1264 39849 : if( fd_alloc_block_set_test( free_blocks, block_idx ) ) { /* Free block */
1265 :
1266 : //TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\t\tblock %2lu: gaddr %s:%lu-%s:%lu, malloc_est -, align_est -, sz_est - (free)\n",
1267 : // block_idx, wksp->name, gaddr_lo, wksp->name, gaddr_hi-1UL ) );
1268 :
1269 39111 : } else { /* Used block */
1270 :
1271 : /* Search the partition for a plausible fd_alloc_hdr_t. This
1272 : process nearly identical to the one described for large
1273 : allocations below. */
1274 :
1275 6282 : for( ulong align_est = 1UL << fd_ulong_find_msb( block_footprint - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) );;) {
1276 6282 : ulong gaddr_est = fd_ulong_align_up( gaddr_lo + sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t), align_est );
1277 6282 : uchar * laddr_est = (uchar *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, gaddr_est );
1278 6282 : fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr = FD_LOAD( fd_alloc_hdr_t, laddr_est - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) );
1279 :
1280 6282 : if( fd_alloc_hdr_sizeclass ( hdr ) ==sizeclass &&
1281 6282 : fd_alloc_hdr_block_idx ( hdr ) ==block_idx &&
1282 6282 : fd_alloc_hdr_superblock( hdr, laddr_est )==superblock ) {
1283 738 : ulong sz_est = block_footprint - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) - align_est + 1UL;
1284 738 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\t\tblock %2lu: gaddr %s:%lu-%s:%lu, malloc_est %s:%lu, align_est %lu, sz_est %lu\n",
1285 738 : block_idx, wksp->name, gaddr_lo, wksp->name, gaddr_hi-1UL, wksp->name, gaddr_est, align_est, sz_est ) );
1286 738 : ctr[1]++;
1287 738 : break;
1288 738 : }
1289 :
1290 5544 : align_est >>= 1;
1291 5544 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !align_est ) ) {
1292 0 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\t\tblock %2lu: gaddr %s:%lu-%s:%lu, malloc_est -, align est -, sz_est - (bad)\n",
1293 0 : block_idx, wksp->name, gaddr_lo, wksp->name, gaddr_hi-1UL ) );
1294 0 : ctr[0]++;
1295 0 : break;
1296 0 : }
1297 5544 : }
1298 738 : }
1299 39849 : }
1300 :
1301 1488 : return cnt;
1302 1488 : }
1303 :
1304 : /* fd_alloc_fprintf pretty prints to the given stream exhaustive details
1305 : about the current state of the fd_alloc corresponding to the current
1306 : local join. As this function is typically for debugging,
1307 : end-of-program diagnostics, etc, this function assumes there are no
1308 : concurrent operations on the fd_alloc while running. Note also it
1309 : might not be able to find all small allocations and determine precise
1310 : details about allocations in general. It will however be able to
1311 : find all large allocations assuming the user tagged the structure
1312 : properly (and that includes finding all the gigantic superblocks in
1313 : which all individual small allocations are contained). Return
1314 : behavior matches fprintf return behavior (i.e. the number of
1315 : characters printed to stream or a negative error code). */
1316 :
1317 : int
1318 : fd_alloc_fprintf( fd_alloc_t * join,
1319 12 : FILE * stream ) {
1320 12 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !stream ) ) return 0; /* NULL stream, can't print anything */
1321 :
1322 12 : int cnt = 0;
1323 :
1324 12 : ulong ctr[6];
1325 12 : ctr[0] = 0UL; /* errors detected */
1326 12 : ctr[1] = 0UL; /* small alloc found */
1327 12 : ctr[2] = 0UL; /* wksp partitions used */
1328 12 : ctr[3] = 0UL; /* wksp bytes used */
1329 12 : ctr[4] = 0UL; /* wksp partitions used for large alloc */
1330 12 : ctr[5] = 0UL; /* wksp bytes used for large alloc */
1331 :
1332 12 : fd_alloc_t * alloc = fd_alloc_private_join_alloc( join );
1333 12 : ulong cgroup_hint = fd_alloc_join_cgroup_hint ( join );
1334 :
1335 12 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !alloc ) ) { /* NULL join passed */
1336 :
1337 0 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "alloc: gaddr -, join_cgroup_hint %lu, magic 0x0 (bad)\n", cgroup_hint ) );
1338 0 : ctr[0]++;
1339 :
1340 12 : } else { /* Normal join */
1341 :
1342 : /* Count the space used by alloc metadata. */
1343 :
1344 12 : ctr[2] += 1UL;
1345 12 : ctr[3] += FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT;
1346 :
1347 12 : fd_wksp_t * wksp = fd_alloc_private_wksp( alloc );
1348 :
1349 : /* Print the summary header */
1350 :
1351 12 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "alloc: gaddr %s:%lu, join_cgroup_hint %lu, magic 0x%lx (%s)\n",
1352 12 : wksp->name, fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, alloc ), cgroup_hint,
1353 12 : alloc->magic, alloc->magic==FD_ALLOC_MAGIC ? "good" : "bad" ) );
1354 12 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( alloc->magic!=FD_ALLOC_MAGIC ) ) ctr[0]++;
1355 :
1356 : /* Print known details about each sizeclass */
1357 :
1358 12 : ulong block_footprint = 0UL;
1359 1524 : for( ulong sizeclass=0UL; sizeclass<FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT; sizeclass++ ) {
1360 1512 : ulong block_footprint_prev = block_footprint;
1361 1512 : /**/ block_footprint = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_footprint;
1362 :
1363 1512 : ulong superblock_footprint = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].superblock_footprint;
1364 1512 : ulong block_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].block_cnt;
1365 1512 : ulong cgroup_cnt = (ulong)fd_alloc_sizeclass_cfg[ sizeclass ].cgroup_mask + 1UL;
1366 :
1367 1512 : fd_alloc_vgaddr_t inactive_stack = alloc->inactive_stack[ sizeclass ];
1368 :
1369 1512 : ulong inactive_stack_ver = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_ver( inactive_stack );
1370 1512 : ulong inactive_stack_gaddr = (ulong)fd_alloc_vgaddr_off( inactive_stack );
1371 :
1372 : /* Omit sizeclasses that have no superblocks in circulation */
1373 :
1374 1512 : int do_print = !!inactive_stack_gaddr;
1375 1512 : if( !do_print ) {
1376 2076 : for( ulong cgroup_idx=0UL; cgroup_idx<cgroup_cnt; cgroup_idx++ ) {
1377 2040 : if( alloc->active_slot[ sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup_idx ] ) {
1378 1464 : do_print = 1;
1379 1464 : break;
1380 1464 : }
1381 2040 : }
1382 1500 : if( !do_print ) continue;
1383 1500 : }
1384 :
1385 : /* Print size class header */
1386 :
1387 1476 : TRAP( fprintf( stream,
1388 1476 : "\tsizeclass %lu: superblock_footprint %lu, block_footprint %lu-%lu, block_cnt %lu, cgroup_cnt %lu\n",
1389 1476 : sizeclass, superblock_footprint, block_footprint_prev+1UL, block_footprint, block_cnt, cgroup_cnt ) );
1390 :
1391 : /* Print inactive stack top */
1392 :
1393 1476 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\tinactive_stack: gaddr %s:%lu, version %lu\n",
1394 1476 : wksp->name, inactive_stack_gaddr, inactive_stack_ver ) );
1395 :
1396 : /* Print active superblock details */
1397 :
1398 1476 : ulong superblock_gaddr;
1399 :
1400 25092 : for( ulong cgroup_idx=0UL; cgroup_idx<cgroup_cnt; cgroup_idx++ ) {
1401 23616 : superblock_gaddr = alloc->active_slot[ sizeclass + FD_ALLOC_SIZECLASS_CNT*cgroup_idx ];
1402 23616 : if( !superblock_gaddr ) {
1403 : //TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\tcgroup 2lu active superblock -, next -\n", cgroup_idx ) );
1404 22143 : continue;
1405 22143 : }
1406 1473 : ulong next_gaddr = ((fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr))->next_gaddr;
1407 1473 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\tsuperblock: cgroup_idx %lu, gaddr %s:%lu, next %s:%lu (ignored), ",
1408 1473 : cgroup_idx, wksp->name, superblock_gaddr, wksp->name, next_gaddr ) );
1409 1473 : TRAP( fd_alloc_superblock_fprintf( wksp, superblock_gaddr, sizeclass, block_cnt, block_footprint, stream, ctr ) );
1410 1473 : }
1411 :
1412 : /* Print inactive superblock details */
1413 :
1414 1476 : superblock_gaddr = inactive_stack_gaddr;
1415 1491 : while( superblock_gaddr ) {
1416 15 : ulong next_gaddr = ((fd_alloc_superblock_t *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, superblock_gaddr))->next_gaddr;
1417 15 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\t\tsuperblock: cgroup_idx -, gaddr %s:%lu, next %s:%lu, ",
1418 15 : wksp->name, superblock_gaddr, wksp->name, next_gaddr ) );
1419 15 : TRAP( fd_alloc_superblock_fprintf( wksp, superblock_gaddr, sizeclass, block_cnt, block_footprint, stream, ctr ) );
1420 15 : superblock_gaddr = next_gaddr;
1421 15 : }
1422 1476 : }
1423 :
1424 : /* Scan the wksp partition table for partitions that match this
1425 : allocation tag. Like the is_empty diagnostic, we do this in a
1426 : brute force way that is not algo efficient to avoid taking a
1427 : lock. */
1428 :
1429 12 : ulong wksp_lo = wksp->gaddr_lo;
1430 12 : ulong wksp_hi = wksp->gaddr_hi;
1431 :
1432 12 : ulong alloc_lo = fd_wksp_gaddr_fast( wksp, alloc );
1433 12 : ulong alloc_hi = alloc_lo + FD_ALLOC_FOOTPRINT;
1434 12 : ulong alloc_tag = alloc->tag;
1435 :
1436 12 : ulong part_max = wksp->part_max;
1437 12 : fd_wksp_private_pinfo_t * pinfo = fd_wksp_private_pinfo( wksp );
1438 :
1439 12 : ulong i;
1440 48 : for( i=0UL; i<part_max; i++ ) {
1441 48 : if( pinfo[ i ].tag!=alloc_tag ) continue; /* skip ones that don't match */
1442 12 : ulong gaddr_lo = pinfo[ i ].gaddr_lo;
1443 12 : ulong gaddr_hi = pinfo[ i ].gaddr_hi;
1444 12 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( (wksp_lo<=gaddr_lo) & (gaddr_lo<gaddr_hi) & (gaddr_hi<=wksp_hi) ) ) break; /* malformed */
1445 :
1446 : /* If the user used the same tag for both the alloc metadata and the
1447 : alloc allocations, skip the metadata partition */
1448 :
1449 0 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( (gaddr_lo<=alloc_lo) & (alloc_hi<=gaddr_lo) ) ) continue; /* skip partition containing metadata */
1450 :
1451 0 : ulong part_footprint = gaddr_hi - gaddr_lo;
1452 :
1453 0 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( part_footprint<=sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) ) ) continue; /* skip obviously not an allocation */
1454 :
1455 : /* Search the partition for a plausible fd_alloc_hdr_t. There
1456 : will be at least one if the partition isn't bad. We scan
1457 : potential alignments in reverse order such that noise in the
1458 : alignment padding from older and less aligned large allocs will
1459 : not trigger the detection logic. It is still possible for this
1460 : logic to spuriously fire if the user just happened to have some
1461 : data that looked like a suitable header (hence these are
1462 : estimates). The estimates could be improved if we clear zero
1463 : padding before the headers as noted above at a greater time
1464 : overhead in fd_alloc and scanned alignments forward. Once we
1465 : have a plausible location and alignment, we can compute bounds
1466 : to how large a size was used. We use the upper bound the size
1467 : estimate for simplicity (it would take a lot more space and
1468 : time overhead in normal operation to track this explicitly). */
1469 :
1470 0 : for( ulong align_est = 1UL << fd_ulong_find_msb( part_footprint-sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) );;) {
1471 :
1472 : /* Look at a potential header location */
1473 :
1474 0 : ulong gaddr_est = fd_ulong_align_up( gaddr_lo + sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t), align_est );
1475 0 : uchar * laddr_est = (uchar *)fd_wksp_laddr_fast( wksp, gaddr_est );
1476 0 : fd_alloc_hdr_t hdr = FD_LOAD( fd_alloc_hdr_t, laddr_est - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) );
1477 :
1478 : /* If it matches what a header at this location should be,
1479 : print out the estimated allocation details. */
1480 :
1481 0 : if( fd_alloc_hdr_is_large( hdr ) ) {
1482 0 : int is_superblock = fd_alloc_hdr_large_is_superblock( hdr );
1483 :
1484 0 : ulong sz_est = part_footprint - sizeof(fd_alloc_hdr_t) - align_est + 1UL;
1485 0 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\tlarge: gaddr %s:%lu-%s:%lu, malloc_est %s:%lu, align_est %lu, sz_est %lu %s\n",
1486 0 : wksp->name, gaddr_lo, wksp->name, gaddr_hi-1UL, wksp->name, gaddr_est, align_est, sz_est,
1487 0 : is_superblock ? "(superblock)" : "(large)" ) );
1488 0 : ctr[2]++;
1489 0 : ctr[3] += part_footprint;
1490 0 : ctr[4] += fd_ulong_if( is_superblock, 0UL, 1UL );
1491 0 : ctr[5] += fd_ulong_if( is_superblock, 0UL, part_footprint );
1492 :
1493 0 : break;
1494 0 : }
1495 :
1496 : /* Nope ... try the next. If no more potential locations, the
1497 : partition is corrupt. */
1498 :
1499 0 : align_est >>= 1;
1500 0 : if( FD_UNLIKELY( !align_est ) ) {
1501 0 : TRAP( fprintf( stream, "\tlarge: gaddr %s:%lu-%s:%lu, malloc_est -, align_est -, sz_est - (bad)\n",
1502 0 : wksp->name, gaddr_lo, wksp->name, gaddr_hi-1UL ) );
1503 0 : ctr[0]++;
1504 0 : break;
1505 0 : }
1506 0 : }
1507 0 : }
1508 12 : }
1509 :
1510 : /* Print summary statistics */
1511 :
1512 12 : TRAP( fprintf( stream,
1513 12 : "\terrors detected %21lu\n"
1514 12 : "\tsmall alloc found %21lu\n"
1515 12 : "\twksp part cnt %21lu\n"
1516 12 : "\twksp used %21lu\n"
1517 12 : "\tlarge alloc cnt %21lu\n"
1518 12 : "\tlarge alloc wksp used %21lu\n",
1519 12 : ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr[2], ctr[3], ctr[4], ctr[5] ) );
1520 :
1521 12 : return cnt;
1522 12 : }
1523 :
1524 : /* Virtual function table
1525 : TODO type pun functions instead of using virtual wrappers? */
1526 :
1527 : static void *
1528 : fd_alloc_malloc_virtual( void * self,
1529 : ulong align,
1530 69 : ulong sz ) {
1531 69 : return fd_alloc_malloc( (fd_alloc_t *)self, align, sz );
1532 69 : }
1533 :
1534 : static void
1535 : fd_alloc_free_virtual( void * self,
1536 120 : void * addr ) {
1537 120 : fd_alloc_free( (fd_alloc_t *)self, addr );
1538 120 : }
1539 :
1540 : const fd_valloc_vtable_t
1541 : fd_alloc_vtable = {
1542 : .malloc = fd_alloc_malloc_virtual,
1543 : .free = fd_alloc_free_virtual
1544 : };
1545 :
1546 : #undef TRAP