LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - util/tmpl - fd_queue.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 66 75 88.0 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 18 23 78.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Declares a family of functions implementing a single-threaded
       2             :    compile-time fixed-capacity queue designed for high performance
       3             :    contexts.  Example usage:
       4             : 
       5             :      #define QUEUE_NAME my_queue
       6             :      #define QUEUE_T    my_ele_t
       7             :      #define QUEUE_MAX  64UL
       8             :      #include "util/tmpl/fd_queue.c"
       9             : 
      10             :    This creates the following API for use in the local compilation unit:
      11             : 
      12             :      ulong      my_queue_align    ( void               ); // required byte alignment of a queue
      13             :      ulong      my_queue_footprint( void               ); // required byte footprint of a queue with the given QUEUE_MAX
      14             :      void     * my_queue_new      ( void     * shmem   ); // format memory region into a my_queue, my_queue will be empty
      15             :                                                           // (caller not joined on return, mem has required align/footprint, etc)
      16             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_join     ( void     * shqueue ); // join a my_queue (unlimited joins, etc) (NOT A CAST OF SHQUEUE)
      17             :                                                           // join can be indexed like a normal array with QUEUE_MAX elements
      18             :      void     * my_queue_leave    ( my_ele_t * queue   ); // leave a my_queue (matched with join, etc) (NOT A CAST OF QUEUE)
      19             :      void     * my_queue_delete   ( void     * shqueue ); // unformat memory (no active joins, etc)
      20             : 
      21             :      // Accessors
      22             : 
      23             :      ulong my_queue_max  ( my_ele_t const * queue ); // returns the max elements that could be in the queue (==QUEUE_MAX)
      24             :      ulong my_queue_cnt  ( my_ele_t const * queue ); // returns the number of elements in the queue, in [0,QUEUE_MAX]
      25             :      ulong my_queue_avail( my_ele_t const * queue ); // returns max-cnt
      26             :      int   my_queue_empty( my_ele_t const * queue ); // returns 1 if queue is empty and 0 otherwise
      27             :      int   my_queue_full ( my_ele_t const * queue ); // returns 1 if queue is full and 0 otherwise
      28             : 
      29             :      // Simple API
      30             : 
      31             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_push( my_ele_t * queue, my_ele_t ele ); // push ele to queue, returns queue
      32             :      my_ele_t   my_queue_pop ( my_ele_t * queue               ); // pop ele from queue, returns ele
      33             : 
      34             :      // Advanced API for zero-copy usage
      35             : 
      36             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_peek_insert( my_ele_t * queue ); // peeks at most recent insert/push,
      37             :                                                           // returned ptr lifetime is until next op on queue
      38             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_peek_remove( my_ele_t * queue ); // peeks at least recent insert/push,
      39             :                                                           // returned ptr lifetime is until next op on queue
      40             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_insert     ( my_ele_t * queue ); // push uninitialized element, returns queue
      41             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_remove     ( my_ele_t * queue ); // pops queue, returns queue
      42             :      my_ele_t * my_queue_remove_all ( my_ele_t * queue ); // removes all, returns queue, fast O(1)
      43             : 
      44             :      my_ele_t const * my_queue_peek_insert_const( my_ele_t const * queue ); // const version of peek_insert
      45             :      my_ele_t const * my_queue_peek_remove_const( my_ele_t const * queue ); // const version of peek_remove
      46             : 
      47             :    For performance, none of the functions do any error checking.
      48             :    Specifically, the caller promises that MAX is such that footprint
      49             :    will not overflow 2^64 (e.g. MAX << (2^64)/sizeof(my_ele_t)), cnt<max
      50             :    for any push or insert operation and cnt>0 for any pop, peek or
      51             :    remove operation (remove_all is fine on an empty queue). */
      52             : 
      53             : #include "../bits/fd_bits.h"
      54             : #include <stddef.h>
      55             : 
      56             : #ifndef QUEUE_NAME
      57             : #error "Define QUEUE_NAME"
      58             : #endif
      59             : 
      60             : #ifndef QUEUE_T
      61             : #error "Define QUEUE_T"
      62             : #endif
      63             : 
      64             : #ifndef QUEUE_MAX
      65             : #error "Define QUEUE_MAX or use fd_queue_dynamic"
      66             : #endif
      67             : 
      68             : #if (QUEUE_MAX)<1UL
      69             : #error "QUEUE_MAX must be positive"
      70             : #endif
      71             : 
      72             : /* Implementation *****************************************************/
      73             : 
      74  3933355065 : #define QUEUE_(x) FD_EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT3(QUEUE_NAME,_,x)
      75             : 
      76             : struct QUEUE_(private) {
      77             : 
      78             :   /* The number of elements in the queue is cnt=end-start and cnt will be
      79             :      in [0,max].  If cnt==0, the queue is empty.  If cnt==MAX, the queue
      80             :      if full.
      81             : 
      82             :      For a non-empty queue, the next to pop  is at element queue[ start     % MAX ],
      83             :      and                    the next to push is at element queue[ (end-1UL) % MAX ]
      84             : 
      85             :      start and end overflow/underflow are fine if max is a power of two
      86             :      and start and end are initialized such that overflow / underflow
      87             :      will not happen for millennia practically anyway.  More precisely,
      88             :      this implementation is guaranteed when max is a power of two and/or
      89             :      when fewer than 2^63 operations have been done on the queue (which,
      90             :      practically speaking, would take millennia).  If, in some distant
      91             :      age, a user does want to support doing more than 2^63 operations
      92             :      when max is not a power of two, this can be done by moving start
      93             :      and end as close as possible toward 2^63 by the same integer
      94             :      multiple of max toward 2^63 sporadically (every couple of hundred
      95             :      years or so). */
      96             : 
      97             :   ulong   start;
      98             :   ulong   end;
      99             :   QUEUE_T queue[ (ulong)(QUEUE_MAX) ];
     100             : };
     101             : 
     102             : typedef struct QUEUE_(private) QUEUE_(private_t);
     103             : 
     104             : FD_PROTOTYPES_BEGIN
     105             : 
     106             : /* private_from_queue return a pointer to the queue_private given a
     107             :    pointer to the queue. */
     108             : 
     109             : FD_FN_CONST static inline QUEUE_(private_t) *
     110           0 : QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     111           0 :   return (QUEUE_(private_t) *)( (ulong)queue - offsetof(QUEUE_(private_t), queue) );
     112           0 : }
     113             : 
     114             : /* const-correct version of above */
     115             : 
     116             : FD_FN_CONST static inline QUEUE_(private_t) const *
     117           0 : QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     118           0 :   return (QUEUE_(private_t) const *)( (ulong)queue - offsetof(QUEUE_(private_t), queue) );
     119           0 : }
     120             : 
     121             : /* private_slot maps an index to a slot cnt.  The compiler should
     122             :    optimize this to a bit-and when MAX is a power of 2 and, hopefully,
     123             :    to optimize this to a magic multiply otherwise. */
     124             : 
     125   466674195 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong QUEUE_(private_slot)( ulong i ) { return i % (ulong)(QUEUE_MAX); }
     126             : 
     127           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong QUEUE_(align)    ( void ) { return alignof(QUEUE_(private_t)); }
     128           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong QUEUE_(footprint)( void ) { return sizeof (QUEUE_(private_t)); }
     129             : 
     130             : static inline void *
     131           3 : QUEUE_(new)( void * shmem ) {
     132           3 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = (QUEUE_(private_t) *)shmem;
     133             :   /* These values are large enough that underflow/overflow will never
     134             :      happen in practical usage.  For example, it would take hundreds of
     135             :      years if all a core did was a worst case continuous push/pop pairs
     136             :      at 1 Gpair/sec.  So we don't need to do any special handling
     137             :      overflow handling in practice that might otherwise be required if
     138             :      max is not a power-of-two MAX).  Note also that overflow/underflow
     139             :      doesn't matter if max is a power of two as per the note above. */
     140           3 :   hdr->start = 1UL << 63;
     141           3 :   hdr->end   = 1UL << 63;
     142           3 :   return hdr;
     143           3 : }
     144             : 
     145             : static inline QUEUE_T *
     146           3 : QUEUE_(join)( void * shqueue ) {
     147           3 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = (QUEUE_(private_t) *)shqueue;
     148           3 :   return hdr->queue;
     149           3 : } 
     150             : 
     151           3 : static inline void * QUEUE_(leave) ( QUEUE_T * queue   ) { return (void *)QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue ); }
     152           3 : static inline void * QUEUE_(delete)( void *    shqueue ) { return shqueue; }
     153             : 
     154           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong QUEUE_(max)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) { (void)queue; return (ulong)(QUEUE_MAX); }
     155             : 
     156             : FD_FN_PURE static inline ulong
     157   300000003 : QUEUE_(cnt)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     158   300000003 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     159   300000003 :   return hdr->end - hdr->start;
     160   300000003 : }
     161             : 
     162             : FD_FN_PURE static inline ulong
     163   300000000 : QUEUE_(avail)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     164   300000000 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     165   300000000 :   return ((ulong)(QUEUE_MAX)) - (hdr->end - hdr->start);
     166   300000000 : }
     167             : 
     168             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     169   300000000 : QUEUE_(empty)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     170   300000000 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     171   300000000 :   return !(hdr->end - hdr->start);
     172   300000000 : }
     173             : 
     174             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     175   300000000 : QUEUE_(full)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     176   300000000 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     177   300000000 :   return (hdr->end - hdr->start)==((ulong)QUEUE_MAX);
     178   300000000 : }
     179             : 
     180             : static inline QUEUE_T *
     181             : QUEUE_(push)( QUEUE_T * queue,
     182    66667296 :               QUEUE_T   ele ) {
     183    66667296 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     184    66667296 :   hdr->queue[ QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->end ) ] = ele;
     185    66667296 :   hdr->end++;
     186    66667296 :   return queue;
     187    66667296 : }
     188             : 
     189             : static inline QUEUE_T
     190    66682113 : QUEUE_(pop)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     191    66682113 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     192    66682113 :   QUEUE_T ele = hdr->queue[ QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->start ) ];
     193    66682113 :   hdr->start++;
     194    66682113 :   return ele;
     195    66682113 : }
     196             : 
     197             : FD_FN_PURE static inline QUEUE_T *
     198    66645321 : QUEUE_(peek_remove)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     199    66645321 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     200    66645321 :   return hdr->queue + QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->start );
     201    66645321 : }
     202             : 
     203             : FD_FN_PURE static inline QUEUE_T *
     204   133356096 : QUEUE_(peek_insert)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     205   133356096 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     206   133356096 :   return hdr->queue + QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->end-1UL );
     207   133356096 : }
     208             : 
     209             : FD_FN_PURE static inline QUEUE_T const *
     210    66678048 : QUEUE_(peek_insert_const)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     211    66678048 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     212    66678048 :   return hdr->queue + QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->end-1UL );
     213    66678048 : }
     214             : 
     215             : FD_FN_PURE static inline QUEUE_T const *
     216    66645321 : QUEUE_(peek_remove_const)( QUEUE_T const * queue ) {
     217    66645321 :   QUEUE_(private_t) const * hdr = QUEUE_(private_const_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     218    66645321 :   return hdr->queue + QUEUE_(private_slot)( hdr->start );
     219    66645321 : }
     220             : 
     221    66678048 : static inline QUEUE_T * QUEUE_(insert)( QUEUE_T * queue ) { QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue )->end++;   return queue; }
     222    66645321 : static inline QUEUE_T * QUEUE_(remove)( QUEUE_T * queue ) { QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue )->start++; return queue; }
     223             : 
     224             : static inline QUEUE_T *
     225        4548 : QUEUE_(remove_all)( QUEUE_T * queue ) {
     226        4548 :   QUEUE_(private_t) * hdr = QUEUE_(private_hdr_from_queue)( queue );
     227             :   /* See note in new */
     228        4548 :   hdr->start = 1UL << 63;
     229        4548 :   hdr->end   = 1UL << 63;
     230        4548 :   return queue;
     231        4548 : }
     232             : 
     233             : FD_PROTOTYPES_END
     234             : 
     235             : #undef QUEUE_
     236             : 
     237             : #undef QUEUE_MAX
     238             : #undef QUEUE_T
     239             : #undef QUEUE_NAME
     240             : 

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14