LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - util/tmpl - fd_set_dynamic.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: cov.lcov Lines: 182 183 99.5 %
Date: 2025-01-08 12:08:44 Functions: 66 1932 3.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Declare a bunch of functions for fast manipulation of index sets that
       2             :    can contain a large run time bounded number of elements and that can
       3             :    be shared between processes.  The implementation is optimized for
       4             :    dense-ish sets with a largish maximum element contains (thousands+).
       5             :    Example:
       6             : 
       7             :      #define SET_NAME my_set
       8             :      #include "util/tmpl/fd_set_dynamic.c"
       9             : 
      10             :    Will implement and expose the following header only library in the
      11             :    local compilation unit:
      12             : 
      13             :      my_set_t // opaque handle type for the set
      14             : 
      15             :      // interprocess shared memory constructors / destructors these obey
      16             :      // the usual conventions.  U.B. if max is not in [1,ULONG_MAX-63].
      17             : 
      18             :      ulong my_set_align    ( void      ); // required byte alignment of a my_set_t
      19             :      ulong my_set_footprint( ulong max ); // required byte footprint of a my_set_t that can hold max elements
      20             : 
      21             :      void *     my_set_new   ( void * shmem, ulong max ); // format memory region into a my_set, my_set will be empty
      22             :                                                           // (caller not joined on return, mem has required align/footprint, etc)
      23             :      my_set_t * my_set_join  ( void     * shset );        // join a my_set_t (unlimited joins, etc) (NOT A CAST OF SHSET)
      24             :      void *     my_set_leave ( my_set_t *   set );        // leave a my_set_t (matched with join, etc) (NOT A CAST OF SET)
      25             :      void *     my_set_delete( void     * shset );        // unformat memory (no active joins, etc)
      26             : 
      27             :      // Returns 1 if set appears to be point to a valid set, 0 otherwise
      28             :      // (e.g. set is NULL, set is not a valid join, there's corruption
      29             :      // in the set zero padding, etc). 
      30             : 
      31             :      int my_set_valid( my_set_t const * set )
      32             : 
      33             :      // Returns 1 if idx is a valid set element index, i.e. in [0,max)
      34             : 
      35             :      int my_set_valid_idx( my_set_t const * set, ulong idx )
      36             : 
      37             :      // Return the maximum number of elements this set can contain.  Set
      38             :      // elements are indexed [0,max).
      39             : 
      40             :      ulong my_set_max( my_set_t const * set ); // Return positive
      41             : 
      42             :      // Return the current number of elements this set contains
      43             : 
      44             :      ulong my_set_cnt( my_set_t const * set ); // Return in [0,max]
      45             : 
      46             :      // Return 1 if set contains no elements and 0 if not
      47             : 
      48             :      int my_set_is_null( my_set_t const * set );
      49             : 
      50             :      // Return 1 if set contains all elements and 0 if not
      51             : 
      52             :      int my_set_is_full( my_set_t const * set );
      53             : 
      54             :      // Return the lowest indexed element in the set
      55             : 
      56             :      ulong my_set_first( my_set_t const * set ); // Return in [0,max) on success, >=max if empty set
      57             : 
      58             :      // Two pairs of functions for writing efficient iterators over all
      59             :      // members of sparse sets.  The first pair is a destructive
      60             :      // iterator:
      61             :      //
      62             :      //   for( ulong idx=my_set_iter_init( set ); !my_set_iter_done( idx ); idx=my_set_iter_next( set, idx ) ) {
      63             :      //     ... idx is the next element of the set, will be in [0,max)
      64             :      //     ... set elements will be iterated over in increasing order
      65             :      //     ... do not modify set, modify idx; there are no elements
      66             :      //     ... in set before idx at this point
      67             :      //   }
      68             :      //   ... set will be empty at this point
      69             :      //
      70             :      // The second pair is a non-destructive iterator:
      71             :      //
      72             :      //   for( ulong idx=my_set_const_iter_init( set ); !my_set_const_iter_done( idx ); idx=my_set_const_iter_next( set, idx ) ) {
      73             :      //     ... idx is the next element of the set, will be in [0,max)
      74             :      //     ... set elements will be iterated over in increasing order
      75             :      //     ... do not modify set or modify idx; set is unchanged
      76             :      //     ... at this point
      77             :      //   }
      78             :      //   ... set is unchanged at this point
      79             :      //
      80             :      // The performance difference between the two styles are situation
      81             :      // dependent (depends on the sizes of the set, cache conditions,
      82             :      // distribution of elements in the set, etc) but not expected to be
      83             :      // large.  In general though, the above iterators are best for very
      84             :      // sparse sets.  For dense sets, the idiom:
      85             :      //
      86             :      //   ulong max = my_set_max( set );
      87             :      //   for( ulong idx=0UL; idx<max; idx++ ) {
      88             :      //     if( !my_set_test( set, idx ) ) continue;
      89             :      //     ... idx is the next element of the set, will be in [0,max)
      90             :      //     ... set elements will be iterated over in increasing order
      91             :      //     ... do not modify set or modify idx; set is unchanged
      92             :      //     ... at this point
      93             :      //   }
      94             :      //   ... set is unchanged at this point
      95             :      //
      96             :      // or is more predictable branchless speculative variant:
      97             :      //
      98             :      //   ulong max = my_set_max( set );
      99             :      //   for( ulong idx=0UL; idx<max; idx++ ) {
     100             :      //     ... speculate idx is in the set, will be in [0,max)
     101             :      //     ... set elements will be iterated over in increasing order
     102             :      //     ... do not modify set or modify idx; set is unchanged
     103             :      //     ... at this point
     104             :      //     ... commit speculation when my_set_test( set, idx ) is true
     105             :      //   }
     106             :      //   ... set is unchanged at this point
     107             :      //
     108             :      // might be preferable.
     109             : 
     110             :      ulong my_set_iter_init( my_set_t * set );
     111             :      int   my_set_iter_done( ulong idx );
     112             :      ulong my_set_iter_next( my_set_t * set, ulong idx );
     113             : 
     114             :      ulong my_set_const_iter_init( my_set_t const * set );
     115             :      int   my_set_const_iter_done( ulong idx );
     116             :      ulong my_set_const_iter_next( my_set_t const * set, ulong idx );
     117             : 
     118             :      // Insert/remove element idx to a set if not already present (no-op
     119             :      // otherwise).  Returns set.
     120             : 
     121             :      my_set_t * my_set_insert( my_set_t * set, ulong idx ); // in [0,max).
     122             :      my_set_t * my_set_remove( my_set_t * set, ulong idx ); // in [0,max).
     123             : 
     124             :      // Fast version of "c ? my_set_{insert,remove}( set, idx ) : set".
     125             : 
     126             :      my_set_t * my_set_insert_if( my_set_t * set, int c, ulong idx ); // in [0,max).
     127             :      my_set_t * my_set_remove_if( my_set_t * set, int c, ulong idx ); // in [0,max).
     128             : 
     129             :      // Return 1 if idx is in set and 0 otherwise
     130             : 
     131             :      int my_set_test( my_set_t const * set, ulong idx ); // in [0,max).
     132             : 
     133             :      // Returns 1 if x and y contain the same elements, 0 otherwise.  In
     134             :      // place is fine.  U.B. if x and y do not have same max.
     135             : 
     136             :      int my_set_eq( my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );
     137             : 
     138             :      // Returns 1 if x is a subset of y (including x==y), 0 otherwise.
     139             :      // In place is fine.  U.B. if x and y have the same max.
     140             : 
     141             :      int my_set_subset( my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );
     142             : 
     143             :      // Operations that populate an output set.  All of these return z
     144             :      // and inplace operation is fine.  U.B. if sets passed to these do
     145             :      // not have the same max.
     146             : 
     147             :      my_set_t * my_set_null      ( my_set_t * z );                                                // z =  {}
     148             :      my_set_t * my_set_full      ( my_set_t * z );                                                // z = ~{}
     149             :      my_set_t * my_set_full_if   ( my_set_t * z, int c );                                         // z = c ? {idx} : {}
     150             :      my_set_t * my_set_ele       ( my_set_t * z, ulong idx );                                     // z = {idx}
     151             :      my_set_t * my_set_ele_if    ( my_set_t * z, int c, ulong idx );                              // z = c ? {idx} : {}
     152             :      my_set_t * my_set_copy      ( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x );                            // z = x
     153             :      my_set_t * my_set_complement( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x );                            // z = ~x
     154             :      my_set_t * my_set_union     ( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );        // z = x u y
     155             :      my_set_t * my_set_intersect ( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );        // z = x n y
     156             :      my_set_t * my_set_subtract  ( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );        // z = x - y
     157             :      my_set_t * my_set_xor       ( my_set_t * z, my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y );        // z = (x u y) - (x n y)
     158             :      my_set_t * my_set_if        ( my_set_t * z, int c, my_set_t const * x, my_set_t const * y ); // z = c ? x : y
     159             : 
     160             :    With the exception of my_set_valid_idx and my_set_valid, all of these
     161             :    assume the inputs are value and will produce strictly valid outputs
     162             :    unless otherwise explicitly noted. */
     163             : 
     164             : #include "../bits/fd_bits.h"
     165             : #include <stddef.h>
     166             : 
     167             : #ifndef SET_NAME
     168             : #error "Define SET_NAME"
     169             : #endif
     170             : 
     171             : /* Implementation *****************************************************/
     172             : 
     173  1844856129 : #define SET_(x) FD_EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT3(SET_NAME,_,x)
     174             : 
     175             : typedef ulong SET_(t);
     176             : 
     177             : struct SET_(private) {
     178             :   ulong   max;            /* In [1,ULONG_MAX-63] */
     179             :   ulong   word_cnt;
     180             :   ulong   full_last_word;
     181             :   SET_(t) set[1];         /* Actually word_cnt in size */
     182             : };
     183             : 
     184             : typedef struct SET_(private) SET_(private_t);
     185             : 
     186             : FD_PROTOTYPES_BEGIN
     187             : 
     188             : /* Private APIs *******************************************************/
     189             : 
     190             : FD_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(SET_(t))==8UL, unexpected_set_word_type );
     191             : 
     192             : /* private_word_cnt returns the number of words needed to store a set.
     193             :    Return is at least as max is at least 1 and no overflow in calc as
     194             :    max is at most ULONG_MAX-63. */
     195             : 
     196       21321 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong SET_(private_word_cnt)( ulong max ) { return (max+63UL)>>6; }
     197             : 
     198             : /* private_full_last_word returns the bit pattern a full set that
     199             :    can contain up to max elements has in the last word. */
     200             : 
     201             : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong
     202       11358 : SET_(private_full_last_word)( ulong max ) {
     203       11358 :   return fd_ulong_mask_lsb( (int)(max - ((SET_(private_word_cnt)( max )-1UL)<<6)) );
     204       11358 : }
     205             : 
     206             : /* private_from_set return a pointer to the set_private given a pointer
     207             :    to the set.  private_from_set_const also provided for
     208             :    const-correctness purposes. */
     209             : 
     210             : FD_FN_CONST static inline SET_(private_t) *
     211   919697907 : SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( SET_(t) * set ) {
     212   919697907 :   return (SET_(private_t) *)( (ulong)set - offsetof(SET_(private_t), set) );
     213   919697907 : }
     214             : 
     215             : FD_FN_CONST static inline SET_(private_t) const *
     216   922703508 : SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     217   922703508 :   return (SET_(private_t) const *)( (ulong)set - offsetof(SET_(private_t), set) );
     218   922703508 : }
     219             : 
     220             : /* Public APIs ********************************************************/
     221             : 
     222           0 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong SET_(align)( void ) { return alignof(SET_(private_t)); }
     223             : 
     224             : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong
     225       13911 : SET_(footprint)( ulong max ) {
     226       13911 :   return sizeof(SET_(private_t))-sizeof(SET_(t)) + sizeof(SET_(t))*SET_(private_word_cnt)( max );
     227       13911 : }
     228             : 
     229             : FD_FN_UNUSED static void * /* Work around -Winline */
     230             : SET_(new)( void * shmem,
     231       11358 :            ulong  max ) {
     232       11358 :   SET_(private_t) * hdr = (SET_(private_t) *)shmem;
     233             : 
     234       11358 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_word_cnt)( max );
     235             : 
     236       11358 :   hdr->max            = max;
     237       11358 :   hdr->word_cnt       = word_cnt;
     238       11358 :   hdr->full_last_word = SET_(private_full_last_word)( max );
     239             : 
     240       11358 :   SET_(t) * set = hdr->set; FD_COMPILER_FORGET( set );
     241       11358 :   fd_memset( set, 0, sizeof(SET_(t))*word_cnt );
     242             : 
     243       11358 :   return hdr;
     244       11358 : }
     245             : 
     246             : static inline SET_(t) *
     247       13164 : SET_(join)( void * shset ) {
     248       13164 :   SET_(private_t) * hdr = (SET_(private_t) *)shset;
     249       13164 :   return hdr->set;
     250       13164 : } 
     251             : 
     252        7710 : static inline void * SET_(leave) ( SET_(t) * set   ) { return (void *)SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( set ); }
     253        7710 : static inline void * SET_(delete)( void *    shset ) { return shset; }
     254             : 
     255          27 : FD_FN_PURE static inline ulong SET_(max)( SET_(t) * set ) { return SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( set )->max; }
     256             : 
     257             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     258      333315 : SET_(valid)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     259      333315 :   if( FD_UNLIKELY( !set ) ) return 0;
     260      333315 :   SET_(private_t) const * hdr = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set );
     261      333315 :   if( FD_UNLIKELY( !hdr ) ) return 0;
     262      333315 :   return !(set[ hdr->word_cnt-1UL ] & ~hdr->full_last_word);
     263      333315 : }
     264             : 
     265             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     266             : SET_(valid_idx)( SET_(t) const * set,
     267      666630 :                  ulong           idx ) {
     268      666630 :   return idx < SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set )->max;
     269      666630 : }
     270             : 
     271             : FD_FN_PURE static inline ulong
     272      148728 : SET_(cnt)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     273      148728 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set )->word_cnt;
     274      148728 :   ulong cnt = 0UL;
     275    28966968 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) cnt += (ulong)fd_ulong_popcnt( set[i] );
     276      148728 :   return cnt;
     277      148728 : }
     278             : 
     279             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     280      296286 : SET_(is_null)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     281      296286 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set )->word_cnt;
     282    39589563 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) if( set[i] ) return 0;
     283      185181 :   return 1;
     284      296286 : }
     285             : 
     286             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     287      148146 : SET_(is_full)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     288      148146 :   SET_(private_t) const * hdr = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set );
     289      148146 :   ulong last_word = hdr->word_cnt - 1UL;
     290    10813362 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<last_word; i++ ) if( ~set[i] ) return 0;
     291       37212 :   return set[last_word]==hdr->full_last_word;
     292      148146 : }
     293             : 
     294             : FD_FN_PURE static inline ulong
     295      148140 : SET_(first)( SET_(t) const * set ) {
     296      148140 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set )->word_cnt;
     297    10849239 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) {
     298    10812204 :     ulong w = set[i];
     299    10812204 :     if( w ) return (i<<6) + (ulong)fd_ulong_find_lsb( w );
     300    10812204 :   }
     301       37035 :   return ~0UL;
     302      148140 : }
     303             : 
     304             : FD_FN_UNUSED static ulong /* Work around -Winline */
     305             : SET_(iter_next)( SET_(t) * set,
     306   914542290 :                  ulong     j ) {                     /* We've considered all bits up to and including j */
     307   914542290 :   j++;                                               /* Lowest bit we haven't considered */
     308   914542290 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( set )->word_cnt;
     309   928911870 :   for( ulong i=(j>>6); i<word_cnt; i++ ) {           /* For all words with bits we haven't considered */
     310   928763730 :     ulong w = set[i];                                /* Get the bits we haven't considered for the current word */
     311   928763730 :     if( w ) {                                        /* If any bits are set in this word */
     312   914394150 :       set[i] = fd_ulong_pop_lsb( w );                /* Clear the lsb */
     313   914394150 :       return (i<<6) + (ulong)fd_ulong_find_lsb( w ); /* And return the index */
     314   914394150 :     }
     315   928763730 :   }
     316      148140 :   return ~0UL;                                       /* No more bits to consider */
     317   914542290 : }
     318      148140 : static inline ulong SET_(iter_init)( SET_(t) * set ) { return SET_(iter_next)( set, ~0UL ); }
     319   914542290 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong SET_(iter_done)( ulong j ) { return !~j; }
     320             : 
     321             : FD_FN_PURE FD_FN_UNUSED static ulong /* Work around -Winline */
     322             : SET_(const_iter_next)( SET_(t) const * set,
     323   914703342 :                        ulong           j ) {               /* We've considered all bits up to and including j */
     324   914703342 :   j++;                                                     /* Lowest bit we haven't considered */
     325   914703342 :   ulong m = (1UL<<(j&63UL))-1UL;                           /* Bits in first word that have considered */
     326   914703342 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( set )->word_cnt;
     327   929297535 :   for( ulong i=(j>>6); i<word_cnt; i++ ) {                 /* For all words with bits we haven't considered */
     328   929148807 :     ulong w = set[i] & ~m;                                 /* Get the bits we haven't considered for the current word */
     329   929148807 :     if( w ) return (i<<6) + (ulong)fd_ulong_find_lsb( w ); /* If any bit is set in this word, return its index */
     330    14594193 :     m = 0UL;                                               /* Otherwise, continue to next word (haven't considered any bits) */
     331    14594193 :   }
     332      148728 :   return ~0UL;                                             /* No more bits to consider */
     333   914703342 : }
     334      148728 : FD_FN_PURE  static inline ulong SET_(const_iter_init)( SET_(t) const * set ) { return SET_(const_iter_next)( set, ~0UL ); }
     335   914703342 : FD_FN_CONST static inline ulong SET_(const_iter_done)( ulong j ) { return !~j; }
     336             : 
     337             : static inline SET_(t) *
     338             : SET_(insert)( SET_(t) * set,
     339     3842403 :               ulong     idx ) {
     340     3842403 :   set[ idx >> 6 ] |= 1UL << (idx & 63UL);
     341     3842403 :   return set;
     342     3842403 : }
     343             : 
     344             : static inline SET_(t) *
     345             : SET_(remove)( SET_(t) * set,
     346      185175 :               ulong     idx ) {
     347      185175 :   set[ idx >> 6 ] &= ~(1UL << (idx & 63UL));
     348      185175 :   return set;
     349      185175 : }
     350             : 
     351             : static inline SET_(t) *
     352             : SET_(insert_if)( SET_(t) * set,
     353             :                  int       c,
     354      370350 :                  ulong     idx ) {
     355      370350 :   set[ idx >> 6 ] |= ((ulong)!!c) << (idx & 63UL);
     356      370350 :   return set;
     357      370350 : }
     358             : 
     359             : static inline SET_(t) *
     360             : SET_(remove_if)( SET_(t) * set,
     361             :                  int       c,
     362      296280 :                  ulong     idx ) {
     363      296280 :   set[ idx >> 6 ] &= ~(((ulong)!!c) << (idx & 63UL));
     364      296280 :   return set;
     365      296280 : }
     366             : 
     367             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     368             : SET_(test)( SET_(t) const * set,
     369      425463 :             ulong           idx ) {
     370      425463 :   return (int)((set[ idx >> 6 ] >> (idx & 63UL)) & 1UL);
     371      425463 : }
     372             : 
     373             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     374             : SET_(eq)( SET_(t) const * x,
     375     5555256 :           SET_(t) const * y ) {
     376     5555256 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( x )->word_cnt;
     377  1006159980 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) if( x[i]!=y[i] ) return 0;
     378     5110836 :   return 1;
     379     5555256 : }
     380             : 
     381             : FD_FN_PURE static inline int
     382             : SET_(subset)( SET_(t) const * x,
     383      592560 :               SET_(t) const * y ) {
     384      592560 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( x )->word_cnt;
     385    75582387 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) if( x[i]!=(y[i] & x[i]) ) return 0;
     386      333315 :   return 1;
     387      592560 : }
     388             : 
     389             : static inline SET_(t) *
     390      111105 : SET_(null)( SET_(t) * z ) {
     391      111105 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set_const)( z )->word_cnt;
     392    21554370 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = 0UL;
     393      111105 :   return z;
     394      111105 : }
     395             : 
     396             : static inline SET_(t) *
     397           9 : SET_(full)( SET_(t) * z ) {
     398           9 :   SET_(private_t) * hdr = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z );
     399           9 :   ulong last_word = hdr->word_cnt - 1UL;
     400        1737 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<last_word; i++ ) z[i] = ~0UL;
     401           9 :   z[last_word] = hdr->full_last_word;
     402           9 :   return z;
     403           9 : }
     404             : 
     405             : static inline SET_(t) *
     406             : SET_(full_if)( SET_(t) * z,
     407           6 :                int       c ) {
     408           6 :   SET_(private_t) * hdr = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z );
     409           6 :   ulong last_word = hdr->word_cnt - 1UL;
     410           6 :   ulong word      = ((ulong)!c)-1UL;
     411        1158 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<last_word; i++ ) z[i] = word;
     412           6 :   z[last_word] = word & hdr->full_last_word;
     413           6 :   return z;
     414           6 : }
     415             : 
     416             : static inline SET_(t) *
     417             : SET_(ele)( SET_(t) * z,
     418       37035 :            ulong     idx ) {
     419       37035 :   return SET_(insert)( SET_(null)( z ), idx );
     420       37035 : }
     421             : 
     422             : static inline SET_(t) *
     423             : SET_(ele_if)( SET_(t) * z,
     424             :               int       c,
     425       74070 :               ulong     idx ) {
     426       74070 :   return SET_(insert_if)( SET_(null)( z ), c, idx );
     427       74070 : }
     428             : 
     429             : static inline SET_(t) *
     430             : SET_(copy)( SET_(t) *       z,
     431     2518380 :             SET_(t) const * x ) {
     432     2518380 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z )->word_cnt;
     433   488565720 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = x[i];
     434     2518380 :   return z;
     435     2518380 : }
     436             : 
     437             : FD_FN_UNUSED static SET_(t) * /* Work around -Winline */
     438             : SET_(complement)( SET_(t) *       z,
     439      185175 :                   SET_(t) const * x ) {
     440      185175 :   SET_(private_t) * hdr = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z );
     441      185175 :   ulong last_word = hdr->word_cnt - 1UL;
     442    35738775 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<last_word; i++ ) z[i] = ~x[i];
     443      185175 :   z[last_word] = (~x[last_word]) & hdr->full_last_word;
     444      185175 :   return z;
     445      185175 : }
     446             : 
     447             : static inline SET_(t) *
     448             : SET_(union)( SET_(t) *       z,
     449             :              SET_(t) const * x,
     450      629595 :              SET_(t) const * y ) {
     451      629595 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z )->word_cnt;
     452   122141430 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = x[i] | y[i];
     453      629595 :   return z;
     454      629595 : }
     455             : 
     456             : static inline SET_(t) *
     457             : SET_(intersect)( SET_(t) *       z,
     458             :                  SET_(t) const * x,
     459      592560 :                  SET_(t) const * y ) {
     460      592560 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z )->word_cnt;
     461   114956640 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = x[i] & y[i];
     462      592560 :   return z;
     463      592560 : }
     464             : 
     465             : static inline SET_(t) *
     466             : SET_(subtract)( SET_(t) *       z,
     467             :                 SET_(t) const * x,
     468      629595 :                 SET_(t) const * y ) {
     469      629595 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z )->word_cnt;
     470   122141430 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = x[i] & ~y[i];
     471      629595 :   return z;
     472      629595 : }
     473             : 
     474             : static inline SET_(t) *
     475             : SET_(xor)( SET_(t) *       z,
     476             :            SET_(t) const * x,
     477      592560 :            SET_(t) const * y ) {
     478      592560 :   ulong word_cnt = SET_(private_hdr_from_set)( z )->word_cnt;
     479   114956640 :   for( ulong i=0UL; i<word_cnt; i++ ) z[i] = x[i] ^ y[i];
     480      592560 :   return z;
     481      592560 : }
     482             : 
     483             : static inline SET_(t) *
     484             : SET_(if)( SET_(t) *       z,
     485             :           int             c,
     486             :           SET_(t) const * x,
     487     1185120 :           SET_(t) const * y ) {
     488     1185120 :   return SET_(copy)( z, c ? x : y );
     489     1185120 : }
     490             : 
     491             : FD_PROTOTYPES_END
     492             : 
     493             : #undef SET_
     494             : 
     495             : #undef SET_NAME
     496             : 

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